Advent Calendar - 13 December

Dec 13, 2009 01:18

3rd Sunday of Advent.

Here's stanza three of four for lighting the Advent candles, a different video this time.

Wir sagen Euch an den lieben Advent
Sehet die dritte Kerze brennt
Nun tragt Eurer Güte hellen Schein
Weit in die dunkle Welt hinein.

Freut Euch, Ihr Christen, freuet Euch sehr,
Schon ist nahe der Herr!

We announce to you the dear Advent time
See, the third candle is burning.
Now carry he bright light of your kindness
Far into the dark of the world.

Rejoice, ye Christians, rejoice much
Already near is the Lord.

image Click to view

I wasn't at home for yesterday's evening mass, and, although I vaguely thought of going, found 9 AM today way too early to make it to church, so missed Advent mass the second time in a row. Hopefully next week, though. :)
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