May 19, 2006 17:27
Well, it’s been a little while since I had this kind of anger rolled up into a cardiac-arrest inducing lump of pure hatred. But, all it takes is a couple of damn fundies on a mission to do it.
As probably all of you know, tonight is the opening of the film version of The DaVinci Code, an immensely popular Mystery/Thriller novel that has been a bestseller for one hell of a long time. Dan Brown, the writer of the story, is being hailed as a genius of modern fiction because of it.
I want you to think of that phrase there for a moment, “…genius of modern fiction…”
“…of modern fiction…”
Pay attention, it will be important shortly.
So, I work for a bookstore, prominent one actually, and have constant contact with a large number of Mr. Brown’s books, and can get rather frustrated when I have to receive 20 boxes of the damned things. But hey, I want to be a writer as well, so one day I can piss off some schmuck inventory clerk at a bookstore with copies of my book that are making me money. I have had a chance to look through the book, but not read it yet.
I have, however, read Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the scholarly conjecture book written by James Baigent in the early 80’s, which Brown used as a resource for Code. Interesting, some odd points brought to the fore by it, but about as much support historically as the Bible has, really.
Anyway, not much has come to the fore by all this. Occaisionally you would hear about some asshat with a wild hair going off about it, but nothing big. Until, that is, Ron Howard and Tom Hanks got onboard, and turned it into one of the most anticipated movies of the summer (next to X3, but that is my humble comic book geek opinion there.)
Well, once these two giants of the media industry hopped on the wagon, all hell broke loose. And now, every goddamn fundamentalist (all of who I abhor with a fierce hatred ) has decided to come out and protest this movie as it “spreads lies about Jesus Christ”.
And right there is the goddamn problem. These people are so goddamn dumb; they don’t know the fucking difference between fact and fiction. They have no grasp of the concept that, no matter how many times they are told by everyone around them, and by the fucking AUTHOR, it is a work of fiction.
Fiction. Consciously contrived untruths meant for entertainment.
These people, all on a religious bent, have come together, en masse, to protest a movie about the Holy Grail’s whereabouts, and some “fictional” cover-ups by the Vatican through the ages (What? The Vatican, the world’s most powerful organization, cover up things in the past? Never!). They, very un-Christianlike, cast stones and aspersions on people that came together to entertain us for two hours. To them, the story is real. This tale of hidden clues and cover-ups is a work of absolute heresy, trying to destroy the faith of all who see it.
Ummm, it’s just a goddamn movie.
I watch this, and I realize now why it is you don’t have any good literature or movies anymore.
It’s not because of a naturally declining culture, or a nihilistic youth. It’s not because people are caught up on special effects.
It’s because of fucking people like these inbred, ill-educated, asinine, and absolutely retarded “Moral Majority” people. It’s because they go out of their way to neuter all things that question their safely ensconced life’s validity. Anything that asks them to think beyond what they are spoon-fed is “wrong” or “derogatory” or “perverse”.
Well I for one have goddamn had it. I am tired of these fucking people taking away good movies, imposing rating’s systems that effectively fucking kills decent films, and for supporting a status quo that encourages people to turn into spineless, gutless, brainless morons that willingly accept whatever they are given blindly like cattle led to the slaughter. I did not claw my way to the top of the food chain to get the mushroom treatment (kept in the dark and fed shit). Oh hell no.
You see, I, as well as a good number of people I know, understand that in order to strengthen something, you have to challenge it every so often. You have to work it over, and make it grow in order to make it stronger, make it tougher. But not these people. Oh no. They have to preserve everything just as it is, and if anything ever threatens it, it is evil and wrong.
My friend Endures-The-Storms-Fury made a great point about how just about all Westerners (read “Christians” of which I am a Christian, but not one like most people) see anything dark as evil, instead of it just being the other side of the coin from light. And, it is exactly why these people need to be stopped.
Remember, for the love of God, it’s JUST A GODDAMN BOOK!