Jun 27, 2005 01:33
Being the spoiler ho that I am.... I know what is to come on QAF and it's probably why this season has been so blah for me. Nothing interesting at all. The whole Rosie episodes had absolutely no purpose. Justin and Brian scenes where good but still missed something. This is suppose to be the last season... it's suppose to go out with a roar not with a slight whimper. Sadness all around. I've read about the ending and all I can say is what a cop out.. leaving the whole Brian/Justin thing open ended - up in the air. Cowlip should've had some guts and just chose an ending, good or bad.
I did catch tonights episode and I was pleasantly suprised. I actually wanted to watch again.....
Enough of the whining... for now.
It feels good to vent.