badfic_manor Application

Dec 04, 2010 12:11

OOC Information:

Name/Alias: Lisa

Age: 21

E-Mail//MSN//AIM:  AIM: faysdarkangel MSN & E-Mail:

Personal LJ: yamihikari02

IC Information:

Character Name: Giselle

Character Journal: truehappyending

Canon: Enchanted

Point in Canon: Just after she falls into the well.

Age: Unknown as it’s never mentioned, but I’m placing her at around 21

Birthday: September 25th [Head Canon]


She is able to gather animals that are within a certain range just by singing. This can be any type of animal from a small rat or cockroach to a deer or something possibly bigger.

Giselle is one of a kind nature, as she spent all her time around animals she has a great love for nature and the plant and such that grow and doesn’t like it when someone tries to kill the animals that are called her friends. This would apply to the people she makes friend with as well, when she makes them. Even though she doesn’t look it thought she does have a brave like tendency and would go and stand up for something if it was needed, especially if someone was being horrible.

She doesn’t know what the word angry is, or even when she does express it because it is a rare emotion that she would express since she is one that is always so positive and optimistic in her own way. She also seems to be pretty helpful when the time calls for it, although usually it doesn’t look that way to begin with. She has also lived a very independent life since she when we see her in the film has lived alone and waiting for her prince to come and come to save her.

All in all she is a romantic at heart, and she is one to be able to show this side to her self, though song and dance and on occasion when she managed to fix someone’s relationship when they were getting divorced. She thinks love is something that you fall in love just once and that’s it for life.

Waiting for her prince Giselle has lived alone with her friends, the animals of the wood. The film began with her making a dummy of her dream she had the night before of her prince that she would one day meet, fall in love and live her happily ever after as she hopes would happen. This was all done through the song ‘True Loves Kiss.’ While she was doing this the so called prince of her dreams had been hunting trolls and heard her singing a line from the song and went to look for her, but also the troll that was realized once again went after her to as part of the plan for Edward and her to not to meet.

She was talking to her animal friends, when they were trying to then warn her about the troll, but she didn’t understand until the troll then tried to grab her. She did manage to escape from his grasp and tried to climb up the tree that was part of her house, with the troll following suit and because of the troll following and Pip as well the tree branch had started to bend due to the amount of weight that was on it.

Just as it looked like she was going to get caught by the troll, Edward showed up and threw his sword so it hit the trolls chain that was on his wrist making him unable to reach any further. Giselle soon started to slip from the tree branch with Pip trying to stop her, but failing pretty much and as Giselle tried to hold on to the branch with just one hand left, Pip once again tried to pull her up, but she fell.

But instead of landing of the ground hard, she landed on Edward’s horse where the two fell in love and Giselle had found her prince and they planned to get married the next day as he had rode off with her.

When the next day came around Giselle came to the place of the wedding in a carriage with some of her animal friends, she thought that she was running late, but was told that she was right on time. While running her animal friends helped her with the finishing touches like the ribbon around her waist and the tiara she continued onwards, until old ugly beggar woman appeared right in front of her to stop her, saying that she was a lovely bridge and that she had a gift for her.

The old beggar woman had taken Giselle to the so called wishing well, even though Giselle kept wanting to go get married and said that all her dreams were about to come true, but eventually she was convinced to make a wish, and that she had to close her eyes and lean over slightly.

When asked what her wish was, Giselle did start to say, but before she could finish she was pushed into the well and it turned out the old beggar was really Edward’s step mother who didn’t want her to steal her crown, but Giselle didn’t know this as she said where she was heading.

‘To a place where there are no happily ever afters’

The point I am picking her up from is after she is turned from animated to real life, but before she opens the drain from the sewer and gets out.

First Person Sample:
[A confused looking woman appears on camera as she looks at one hand, then the other. From watching her hands she moved them to her hair, running her fingers through it slightly. Confused at what was going on, or even what just happened to her, she glanced around at her new surroundings.]

Oh my, this place is not Andalasia.

[Slowly she stands up, still looking around before glancing at the door and making her way to it, but instead of being able to get out, she got stuck due to her big dress, as she just continued to try and get out of the door, but her dress just wouldn’t let her.]

Third Person Sample:
Giselle didn’t know where she was, she had no idea exactly of how she ended up here. Last thing she remembered was the fact that she was going to get married to her prince and the next thing she remembered was being here. She slowly sat up and looked around at the place she ended up in.

The place was much bigger than where she was and it wasn’t home. She slowly stood up, people going about there day as she held her dress and went to find someone “Excuse me, but have you seen Edward?” Instead of getting an answer they seem to brush her off and she didn’t understand why as she went to ask someone else “Excuse me, but have you seen Edward?”

She kept getting brushed off by the people, but she kept trying, until she ended up getting stuck in a group of people, as she tried to get out, but couldn’t as she ended up yelling loudly “Edward!!”


Are there actually any animals at the manor? I always had been wondering this.

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