Am I a true duelist? Or an IMPOSTER? *dun dun dun*

Jan 23, 2007 20:23

STOP! Give me at least 3 links of other surveys you voted for here (unless basically everyone's stamped, of course). Everyone has been stamped. :O


1. What's your name or/and nickname (either RL or Internet, or both)? My real name is Daisy. My nicknames include Tsuki, Monkey, Cloud, nee-sama, Shinsei, and who knows what else that people call me behind my back. :D
2. Yourself in 3 words? Shy, Optimistic, Weird
3. Personality? I am generally quiet and rather very anti-social when around groups of people that I don't know. However, when I become comfortable with people and my surroundings I get energetic, loud, and talkative. I'm prone to shameless fangirling and rambling when I see something I really like or interests me. I can be serious when I need to be. My friends know me for my dry wit and humor, and my ability to speak my mind no matter how blatant and harsh my thoughts are.
4. Strengths? I love being organized, pay close attention to detail, am open to different opinions and ideas, and am a firm supporter of using proper grammar.
5. Weaknesses? I am short-tempered, procrastinate, have a very short-term memory, have grammer-nazi and perfectionist tendencies, and sometimes I don't know when to keep my mouth shut.

More about YOU

6. Likes? Reading, Writing, anime and manga, Boy's Love, Stuffed animals, cats, instrumental music (especially violin), British rock bands, Nirvana melon-mango Sobe, cold weather. Oh, and anything about serial killers. Books, movies, tv specials, wikipedia articles... *nervous laugh* They interest me a lot. :3
7. Dislikes? Loud noises, crowds, close-minded people, waking up early in the morning, summer, repeating myself, Romance/Comedy films, spicy food, my lisp, anything girly, the whole "emo" thing.
8. Hobbies? I write and draw from time to time. I also collect doujinshi (fan-made comic books).
9. Talents? I've been told that I can write very good essays. And... I can't think of anything else. D: ...My fingers are double-jointed. *shrugs*
10. Goals? Right now my main goal is to just stay in college and do a good job there. I'm in community college at the moment and hope to transfer to a 4-year college eventually, hopefully to one in my old neighborhood so I have a good reason to go back. I miss it.

I also want to try and learn as much as I can about fashion design, since I have a really big interest in it but cannot pursue anything related to it since I CAN'T SEW. For now I can just focus on my main interest, which is psychology.

This or that?

11. Mature or immature? Much prefer immature. You have more fun.
12. Leader or follower? Follower. I'd probably screw up being a leader and people would yell at me. Too much pressure. :<
13. Calm, normal, or hyper? Calm.
14. Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, always! :3
15. Social or shy? Social. It makes things so much easier in life, at least that's what I think. Not that i'd know. T3T
16. Speaker or listener? Listener.
17. Business or fun? Fun! Duh.


18. Least favorite character? Mai. With her skimpy clothes and her huge boobs, and her "I'm a woman! I'm independent and don't need your help!" attitude... rawr.
19. Favorite pairing? Kaiba x Jounouchi. My OTP of OTPs. ♥

20. Err-m, anything else? I'm hungry. D:

Characters (for voters)

Vivian :: Solomon :: Seigfried :: Rex :: Odion :: Mako :: Mahado :: Kisara :: Bobasa :: Weevil :: Mana :: Leon :: Ishizu :: Bandit Keith :: Ryou Bakura :: Mokuba :: Tristan :: Yami Marik :: Varon :: Raphael :: Pegasus :: Dartz :: Amelda :: Yami Yugi :: Mai Valentine :: Serenity :: Rebecca :: Noa Kaiba :: Duke :: Yugi :: Yami Bakura :: Tea :: Seto Kaiba :: Marik :: Joey Wheeler


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