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There's only one. The ONLY other one. -point- All hail.
Favorite character? Hmnn.. I don't know. I'm bad at favorites/
(Internet) Name/Nickname? Kait.
Yourself in 3 words? k thx bai?
Personality? Duhrr.. Me? Well, I can be loyal.. But only if I like you. And if you try to screw me over I'll turn on you like that, cause I have no tolerance for backstabbers. It takes a lot of convincing to win back my trust unless you're that freaking special. I <3 my friends to death. Uhmm.. I can be really mean, and have fun doing it, but only if it's appropriate and someone asked for it. -bricked-
Strengths? Hmm.. I bounce back well. Even if someone hurts me, I can get on with life because I'm awesome.
Weaknesses? I'm a little bit sensitive, I guess. I get lonely easily and hate to lose people. Oh oh. And I guess you could call me painfully shy.
More about YOU
Likes? Oh. I like anime, of course. Digimon is my current favorite <3. Uhmm.. I like my friends. I like chocolate, particularly the dark kind. I like anime cons and cosplay and all that lovely stuff.
Dislikes? Petty people, homophobes (that's a common one these days), giving speeches, Social Anxiety Disorder, teachers who want nothing to do with their students, people who Role Play badly and think they're awesome and yell at you when you try and help, math (it's boring), people who make fun of Vegetarians because they're idiots, lame excuses, that mustard yellowy green color, allergies, other stuff.
Hobbies? Drawing, school, swimming, hanging out.
Talents? .. School?
Goals? To be a teacher. And an awesome one at that.
This or… this?
Mature or immature? Welll.. Mature, I guess, but not to the point where I'm boring. I like to have fun and be loud and obnoxious, but not where it's not appropriate.
Leader or follower? Follower, mostly. Unless it's needed of me to lead.
Calm, normal, or hyper? Somewhere between normal and hyper is my default.. but I'm usually pretty calm when I'm in class or somewhere where I need to conduct myself. I'm sort of a spaz about things sometimes, though. ^^;
Optimistic or pessimistic? Optimistic, usually. Being pessimistic is no good for your health, but I do find myself looking on the bleaker side sometimes.
Social or shy? Shy. Shaddup.
Favorite pairing? Like I said- no favorites for me. <3