Ahh... How do I start?
Hello~ (^^)/
It's been ages since I've updated right? Hehe (>.<) terribly sorry, i've been busy with school and life.. (ㅠㅠ) it has kept me busy. But while being stressed with work... I've also been thinking alot.
I won't beat around the bush, and just get to the point. (^^)U
This hasn't been the first time I've lost my muse to write, it's happened quite a while ago too. And it just kept me thinking this past week about my fanfic writing, LJ and of course, my readers. When I began writing fanfics, I just did it as a past-time hobby. I loved reading. I loved writing. And most of all, I loved Kpop. So I added 1 + 1 and voila~! (^^) And a couple years later, here I am! I never imagined I would get the number of readers I have now; it was a spur of the moment that I created an LJ and decided to post fics - not even having the slightest thought of wanting readers.
I've met so many fantastic people through LJ that I would never forget. Every comment, even if I don't reply, I do read and take it to heart. Through LJ my writing has matured and improved so much that I surprise myself. And I think my personality has brightened up quite a bit as well. 6(^^)9
I still love to write and read. And I still love listening to Kpop. But I think I'm slowing just tiring of fandoms and just... growing out of it? (^^);;;; When I first started writing fanfics, I did it out of fun and enjoyment. I loved it, and through writing, I escaped my harsh reality and just created a world that I had complete control of. It made me happy to know that I had people who read my fics and really did enjoy them. So I wrote more, and more, and more...
But lately, I've had to force myself to sit and write something; even if it was just a single sentence. It drove me mad sometimes when I couldn't find that old passion to write. I go to my own journal and read my past fics and ask myself, "how did I do this?". I read other fics - new ones, and old ones that I loved so dearly - and keep questioning myself as to why I can't see that light anymore.
I hope this is understandable. I just need a break to just clear my head and to find my passion again. I need time to get a grasp on my slipping reality too.
This won't be a final goodbye.
Completly new and improved, I will be back.
"..this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
-Sir Winston Churchill
Hope everyone stays safe and healthy this winter. o(^^)o
And if anyone wants to follow me on twitter: @yjkmania