We could go on The Amazing Race!!

Dec 20, 2009 20:07

Forgive me LJ for I am slack. It's been almost 3 months to the day since my last post. What's been going on? Well, let's see...

  • I am in month 3 of the Lupron injection/progestin therapy for my adenomyosis and praise be I am 100% symptom-free! It's been so wonderful I can't even describe it. The most annoying side effect so far is the night sweats but I'll take it. My doctor said that he'd be willing to extend the 6 month treatment to as much as 18 months since I'm responding so well and I'm seriously considering it.

  • Work is crazed and filled with more travel than usual because we have no sales staff so guess who has to go out on sales calls? It's about as fun as it sounds, but at least I get to visit folks and eat well while I'm gone. I also have until the end of the year to write my employees' performance reviews which I'm looking forward to as much as I would look forward to having my toenails pulled off with a pair of pliers. I'm not even kidding.

  • One cool thing about work is that we've extended the parameters of our backpack club and now a few of us spend an hour helping some of the kids with their reading one day a week. It's so much fun! I wasn't even nervous the first time like I'd thought I'd be, but let me tell you, 7-yr old boys sure are fidgety. I'm also surprised at classroom sizes nowadays - the two teachers we help have about 20 kids per class with an aide that helps about 3 hours per day. That's a LOT of kids, especially at that age. The teachers are so appreciative of the help and the kids seem to enjoy it, and it might sound cheesy but it really makes me feel like I'm helping mold the future in a small way. Plus, the school gets credit for all the volunteer hours we add which means that they'll get even more money for the school aside from the money we'll have left to donate after our expenses. At this point, we estimate we'll be able to donate about $1500 this semester which makes a total of $2700 for the school year!

  • David and I are going to Vegas for New Year's. The odds are good that we'll actually be awake for New Year's for the first time in over a decade since we'll be flying when it's midnight on the east coast. We're staying at Aria in the brand new City Centre which should be interesting since the hotel just opened about 4 days ago. I made reservations for us at Mix at Mandalay Bay and then we're going to meet up with Mark and Pam to see Aubrey O'Day and Holly Madison in Peepshow on Friday night. I was torn about where to go Saturday night, but I think I'm going to make reservations at Twist at the Mandarin Oriental since it's brand new and the only US restaurant by Pierre Gagnaire. So. Excited.

  • Please to be seeing my icons for what I'm watching and LOVING on tv. KTHXBYE

  • I cook y'all! Like, almost every night! We're just tired of eating out all the time, and we're at that age where those fast food calories don't just fall off like they used to. So please let me know of any easy, fast recipes or recipe sites because while I *am* cooking, I don't necessarily *like* to cook, so the easier and faster the better.

Thanks to all of you who've sent LJ goodies and holiday cards. I'm going to try my darndest to get cards out by New Year's (or shortly thereafter), so please do me a favor and give me your address even if you think I have it. Please be sure to include your email address as well. Poll Where you be at?

Here's hoping everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!
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