I’ve been a bit slow with this due to running around last night, but for what it’s worth…
1. Total amount of music files on your computer? A paltry 1047. I need to spend a “fun” day feeding my mac CDs.
2. The last CD you bought was... I don’t remember as it’s a lot rarer than it used to be thanks to the evil internet. But if I hadn’t been in such a rush last night, it would be The Dears.
3. What was the last song you listened to before reading this message? Fake Tales of San Francisco - Arctic Monkeys
4. Write down five songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
Picking out five is impossible. There are a lot of the obvious ones, along the lines of The Libs, etc (is it too soon to include Arctic Monkeys?), older stuff like The Who or The Clash, but also...
1. How Soon Is Now - The Smiths. Happy days living in Cambridge and having my eyes opened to The Smiths at last.
2. Anchorage - Michelle Shocked. iTunes tells me it’s “pop-folk”, but this always makes me smile inside when the world seems Alaskan.
3. Tarts - Special Needs. Whether I’m happy, sad or pissed off, I love listening to this. And I think it was the first Needs track I had, and look where that’s led.
4. I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to be Free - Nina Simone. Beautiful.
5. Shangri La - The Kinks. Understated ironic social observation AND a great sing-a-long song. What more do you want?
5. What 3 people are you going to pass this baton to and why?
Are there ANY people who read this who haven’t already done this? Hmm, don’t remember seeing
heyladyray - that would be interesting. Anyone else?