10 Ideals To Live Your Life By

Nov 06, 2013 01:43

I was thinking earlier about the last year and the emotional roller coaster ride that came with it. Highs and lows have been everywhere, though more lows than highs, sadly.

I'm tired of being burned by friends and colleagues or being bitched about. Recent events, both at work and in our personal lives got me to thinking about what makes a "good person". Here are 10 ideals / philosophies that could greatly improve the world, IMO.

(In no particular order)

  • Be an understanding friend.
  • Keep your word.  If you make plans, keep to them unless there is a truly legit reason.
  • Be assertive and tell others when they've done you wrong, especially if they're friends.
  • Confront your problems head on.  Hiding from them only makes them bigger, badder, uglier and more nasty.
  • Accept the plot twists, hurdles and oncoming trains that life has to offer.  They aren't going away.
  • Work hard, play hard, love hard and fall hard. Get back up and do it again!
  • Don't be afraid to ask for help, but if you do, be sure to listen to it and follow through.
  • Look after your body as well as your soul, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, as best you can.
  • Always answer the phone.  You never know if the next phone call you miss is a loved one being rushed to hospital.
  • Stare at a flame.  It's the most basic form of meditation.

what is a good person, 10 no god squad commandments, ideals to live by

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