Name: Paige Noel.
We respect the LJ code. Are you over 13?: Yep! I'm 15.
Five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Kind, caring, intelligent, forgiving, optimistic.
Five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Stubborn, determined, hot-tempered, curious.
Your hobbies/interests: Writing, reading, watching films, seeing shows, sewing, costume/fashion design, drawing, painting, crafts, singing, piano, guitar, travelling, volunteering, history, mythology, beliefs/religions, science, etc.
Your strengths: Basically the same as my positive adjectives, plus I'm imaginative and creative.
Your weaknesses: Basically the same as my negative adjectives.
What do people like most about you?: I guess that I try to be nice to everyone, and I'm all about equality.
Goals/aims for the future: Really just to be happy and go on adventures. Ideally I'd like to do something that I love and hopefully change lives or make some sort of difference.
Favourite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: "The greatest thing you will ever learn is to love, and to be loved in return." Because it's entirely true.
Animal: Owls or cats.
Book: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen, with Dracula by Bram Stoker as a close second.
Food: Anything vegetarian!
Movies: The Lord of the Rings trilogy is my favorite movie series, with Fight Club as my favorite single movie probably.
Music: The Beatles are my favorite band!
This or That
Leader or Follower: Neither, but leader when I need to be.. I'm a pretty good leader. I tend to be controlling without realizing it.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic usually.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: It depends.. usually sacrifice. I can't stand people telling me what I can't do or have though, so sometimes I'll choose pleasure.
Confident or Shy: Shy, but I'm learning to be more confident.
Selfless or Selfish: Selfless.
Introverted or Extroverted: Introverted.
Rule or Be Ruled: Rule.
True Blood
Favourite character and why?: I really like Sookie because she's headstrong and independent and just all around awesome.
Least favourite character and why?: Not a big fan of Eric for some reason, even though everyone seems to adore him.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Just thanks for voting!
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