Whisper in the Blood - Chapter 6/? [No Mistake]

Apr 05, 2012 22:04

Title: Whisper in the Blood
Type: Slash, Friendship, Snark, Drama
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: True Blood [Showverse]
Pairing: Eric Northman/Jason Stackhouse (featuring Sookie Stackhouse)
Setting: Sometime during Season 2, though not strictly following events.
Word Count: 5138
Summary: After having it out with Sookie about his relationship with Eric, things don’t go well at all and Jason makes way for Fangtasia, thinking that going to see Eric will perk him up. He gets more than he bargained for. During a formal meeting of important vampire associates lead by Eric, Jason discovers that Eric was right; Sookie isn’t the only Stackhouse with awesome mind powers. Except, Jason’s work a little differently to hers, which is definitely going to get him in to trouble. Even this first time they manifest; a lot of blood is spilled. Still, who cares when at the aftermath of bloodshed, you get to take a shower with Eric and get your part-fairy freak on? Noone, that’s who.

Warnings: Use of some adult language and references. Developed sexual chemistry; do not read if you want your smut served instant and present in every chapter. Series could be spoilerish if you have not viewed Seasons 1 and 2 respectively; consider yourself warned. To be treated as missing scenes, potentially pre-AU since events in this series may alter the course of canon events. Some scenes of violence and gore in this chapter. No specific episode setting. This is a co-write so keep this in mind whilst reading, and apologies if the perspective seems a little choppy in parts. Eric is written by ikarusphoenixand Jason by letit_linger. Please visit our lj’s and give us some sugar; comments are love. Thanks!

{ Whisper In the Blood - Chapter 6 [No Mistake] }

character: jason stackhouse, character: eric northman, fan fiction, character: sookie stackhouse

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