Nelsan Informs Us Of Correct Spoiler Etiquette

Mar 12, 2012 15:44

'The Walking Dead,' 'The Wire,' and 'True Blood' cast members explain the rules of TV spoilers -- WATCH

by Aly Semigran

If you’re an avid pop culture junkie (and let’s face it, since you’re visiting, there’s a pretty good chance you are) then you are all too aware that nearly every aspect of your life is a virtual spoiler minefield. If you’ve surrounded yourself with fellow pop culture junkies (us nerds have to stick together) then you know at any minute, they could beat you to the punch and reveal a gargantuan spoiler about the show you were just getting around to. Spoilers are unavoidable for the television enthusiast: They’re on your Facebook wall, being haphazardly blurted in your office, and often times on your favorite websites. (Sorry! But don’t say we never gave you fair warning.)

Thankfully, the folks over at have come up with a much-needed course of action to combat spoilers. With the help of stars from some of the most spoiler-friendly shows of all-time, including The Walking Dead, True Blood, Battlestar Galactica, Dexter, Heroes, and - a show I personally had spoiled for me and am still reeling from the devastation - The Wire.

Setting in motion the new rules of spoiler etiquette, including not revealing anything about a series finale until at least one year after said show has aired, we may all soon get to enjoy a spoiler-free existence. Watch the clip below. Spoiler alert: It’s pretty darn funny

Would these spoiler rules, if applied, actually work? Do you have your own set of spoiler rules with friends and co-workers? Has anyone actually ever uttered the phrase “You ruined The Walking Dead for me”?

video, media: weekly, cast: nelsan ellis, fun stuff

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