Sep 03, 2009 23:03

Shreveport smell like broken thoughts, like forgotten memories, like a shattered us.

An 'us' that I had shattered a long time ago.

My mind seem to be locked with these thoughts, each of them fighting to find the way out and impose itself in my mind -all of them fighting in vain. No matter how many thoughts fight for supremacy, only one of them had the strength to break the barriers I have created specifically to protect myself from it. A creation that had proven to be worthless as that sole thought was the one that kept on creping in my mind, wanting to be vocalise, hoping in vain.

As the Queen's and my coffin wear open by the personnel of Anubis Airlines, I saw Eric and Pam standing side by side, waiting for us. I could sense the tension between them, and even if the Queen did so as well, she decided to ignore it as she stood there, waiting for them to show their respects. I watched as Eric and Pam bow to her, followed by giving me the same treatment. Eric didn't look me in the eye -I didn't blame him, I had order him to leave me alone with Pam, and by his reaction, he was hurt.

Pam stood there, waiting to receive orders from me. I knew I had placed her in a delicate position, but I needed to buy some time before I go to do what needed to be done.

Saying my goodbyes to the Queen and Eric, I waited until they have left to address Pam for the first time.

"I'm sorry for putting you in such a delicate position Pam. Tell me, is he angry with you or just with me?"

posted by: godric, scene: godric/pam

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