Scene Post -Stan/Isabel; Tuesday, Septembre 8, 11 pm

Sep 08, 2009 04:53

"Don't follow me," that was what he had told us. Well, I wouldn't have felt the need to 'follow him' if I had any effing idea of what Godric was planning to begin with. He was acting... stranger than usual, that one, and I was sure he was planning to do something Isabel and I would not approve. Not that he need our approval, but he had always been polite enough to tell us his plans as if he was asking for our opinion.

So now here I was in damn Louisiana, in its equally damn Shreveport which just happened to be the territory of Godric's baby boy -the more than damnable Eric, Sheriff of area 5. Not that I care much about the pretty vampire -he was a pain in the ass but untouchable thanks to Godric's protection... and because the fucker had earned his reputation of merciless. And rumor had it that he was now in favor of his damn Queen...

Yeah, pretty baby-boy was a real pain.

But yeah, now I was in his fucking territory disobeying the orders of my Sheriff because he decided to go MIA for almost a week. I knew Isabel was as worried as I was, but she will always be a rule-follower rather than a rule-breaker -that was my job.

It had taken all of my abilities to be able to come here without Ms Rules Enforcer knowledge, not that I need to hide, mind you, but it was funnier to worry the older vampire than having her know my plans -the fighting that came after she figured out what I was doing to begin with were better this way. So as I walked down the road to that stupid nightclub with its even stupider name to see if I could gather any information regarding the whereabouts of Godric, to say that I was surprised to see Lieutenant Isabel Beaumont waiting for me at the door of Fangtasia was an understatement.

“Well damn, Isabel, funny to find you here of all places. What are you doing? Satisfying one of your boy-toys many kinks?”

posted by: stan; scene: stan/isabel

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