Jul 10, 2011 22:03
Alright, what'd we think this week?
WARNING! There are spoilers in the commentary. Read on at your own risk.
jessica hamby,
tara thornton is a pain in the ass,
debbie pelt,
hoyt fortenberry,
tb_rant s4,
sam merlotte,
sookie stackhouse,
king beeehl,
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I don't care what Tommy is doing or that he exists. The fact he's going to get one over on Mrs. Fortenberry doesn't concern me one bit. She's evil. Those damn dolls are creepy as hell.
I don't care about whatever Bill has going on with that chick. Who is she? Did I miss her introduction to the story?
Hillbilly central disgusts me so freaking much. Looking at those inbreds makes me want to shower for a good hour. I'm sorry Jason was stupid enough to get involved with them and is now being raped on a daily basis until he impregnates Crystal. I'm really sorry Andy's an addict & doesn't seem to care about Jason. I really am. Honest. Not really.
The surprising stuff: The chemistry between Tara & Sam. Wow. Really felt it tonight. I was sorta rooting for them to get it on out back. Damn you, Jesus!
Jessica glamoring Hoyt. Taking advice from Bill will lead you to do stupid ass things.
The good...
Amnesiac Eric. He's freaking adorable. The Swedish. The giggling. Tiptoeing around the rug. The footwashing! The innocence. Okay...I should calm down. But nope, I can't because it kept getting better.
Pam! Tara! Fierce ladies tonight. If those two hooked up, it would be hot. They were amazing tonight. Best line of the night goes to Pam. "I will personally eat, fuck, and kill all of you!" Hello, Pam!
2nd best line goes to Sookie: "You killed my fairy godmother!" Eric: "Sorry!"
In the books, she turns out to be Bill's great great something granddaughter. If she turns out to be his descendent on the show, as well, then EWWW.
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