3.10 I Smell A Rat

Aug 23, 2010 00:00

Okay fellow fangbangers, it's time to get your rant on regarding this week's episode. Spoilers below the cut so if you haven't seen the episode, don't bother with the clickety clicking, ya feel me?

You know you can't trust Bill. )

!spoiler alert!, alan ball you bastard

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makesmyheadspin August 23 2010, 05:23:58 UTC
Here are my highlights and lowlights for the week:

Win! Eric and Sookie finally getting somewhere.
Fail! Pam interrupting Eric and Sookie. I get that she has her reasons and I'm not crazy about this emo Eric we seem to have on our hands. Yes, yes, I understand that Russell is 3 times your age and nearly impossible to kill. Did it ever occur to Eric, however, that if he explained his situation to Sookie she might be willing to help him?
Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream.
Win! Jason. For me, Jason was the best part of this week's episode. Boy has a lot going in that squirrely brain of his to keep him up at night. Crystal is the least of his worries. I admire him for having the guts to come clean to Tara given all that she's been through and the potential fall out from such a confession. Even better? He kicked Bill out! I love him for that. Too bad it was the wrong Stackhouse, but at least one of them has a brain. Who'd a thunk it'd be Jason?
Win! Jessica and Hoyt. These two really need to work their shit out already. Seeing Jessica fling Tommy's ass into the woods was just hilarious to me. He really needs to get over whatever obsession he has with her because it's not going anywhere.
Fail! WTF is up with this malevolent back story for our boy Sam? Granted, I've never been a huge fan of Sam's, but this really isn't helping. So Sam's a murderer now, is he? *shakes head* Alan Ball, you are seriously fucking with the wrong crowd. You might want to get to an undisclosed location and think about skipping the Emmy's this year. Just sayin'
Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream. Did I say that already? *scratches head*
Win! Pam trying to motivate Eric. I don't think she's really going about it the wrong way but someone needs to slap him out of his emo state. And she's right about saying or doing anything to save her maker. Eric would have done the same thing for Godric. *thinks of rooftop scene and gets teary eyed*
Fail! WTF is this v-trip bullshit with Lafayette and Jesus. Seriously....WHO GIVES A FUCK? I think that about covers it.
Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream.
Win! Sookie's dream. Her subconscious knows she can't trust Bill. Now she just needs to stop asking why and go with that feeling.
Fail! I'm a bit pissed that Eric's got the inside scoop on Bill being set back to Bon Temps at SA's request in order to secure Sookie for her personal gain. Unless that's going to be revealed in the next episode or two, I see that as having huge potential to blow up in his face.
Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream.
Fail! Arlene going behind Terry's back to have an abortion. Seriously, Arlene? *head wall*
Win! Hoyt breaking up with Summer. About. Fucking. Time.
Fail! I'm getting really sick of watching Tara's lip tremble. Anyone else, or is that just me?
Win! Crystal leaving Hot Shot for Jason, but how long is that going to last before she goes back or it gets him in deep shit?
Fail! The continued portrayal of Calvin Norris as some hothead drug pusher who is almost physically abusive to women. Again, I wasn't ever really that big of a fan of his, but I never had a reason to hate him either. Congrats, AB, you've done it again *flips AB the bird*
Win! Eric calling Yvetta a gold-digging whore. Did she really think those 6 hours in the basement were going to get her a chunk of Eric's estate? I guess some things you have to learn the hard way *snickers*
Fail! Bill. Fucking. Compton. Seriously, you're going to order everyone else around to clean up your mess? Takes some serious balls to behave the way he does and I seriously hope that by the time he gets his comeuppance, I haven't abandoned this show.
Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream.

Okay....I'm not sure if this is a win or a fail....Eric chaining Sookie up in the basement at Fangtasia. Part of me says it's a Win! because at least there he can keep an eye on her and make sure that Russell doesn't get to her. The other part of me says Fail! because that's not the Eric we know and love. I'm torn on this issue. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out next week.

I think that's all for now, but expect me to be back with further thoughts after another viewing. I rarely run out of things to say. Lucky you.


musing_mia August 23 2010, 05:35:23 UTC
Sookie kissed Eric & it wasn't a dream! Enough said.

But it's not.

Russell is insane. Absolutely, positively insane & I can see why he & Franklin got on so well. Killing the prostitute & talking to the jar. Alrighty then.

Love Eric, but sad, mopey, puppy dog Eric needs to grow a pair & finish Russell. Stop sitting around waiting for him to come to you! He needs a Godric-intervention or something.

Sookie is not going to be happy with him when all this plays out, but I hope she realizes that everything he's done has been to protect her. While everything Bill has done has been to protect himself. Still playing that "I came back to my ancestral home" card...please, bitch. You came back for Sookie.

I really want Tara & Jason to hook up, but that's not gonna happen because Tara has fucking regressed again. She was doing so well. I'm glad she finally told Sookie what happened to her and that Bill didn't try to save her from Franklin.

One more time with feeling...Sookie kissed Eric. For reals!


canon_balls August 25 2010, 05:21:53 UTC
*jumping on your bandwagon*
I agree with everything everyone has already said. I wuvs u guyz. ;D

Adding a few things:

Fail! Animated panther. Did anyone else think the visual effects were cheesy? Especially after they went on an on about how they were using Real!Wolves for the Weres. Oh wait, I forgot, the whole special effects budget went to that WTFuckery v-trip of Jesus and La-La's that no one gave a shit about.

Win! Sookie kissed Eric and it wasn't a dream. Or did he kiss her? Does it matter? No!

---Side note:
Anyone else think we're getting Emo!Eric because of what I call the "Twilight Effect?" Vampire hero=moody/broody. Beeel certainly fills that, but he was always a total girl in the books, so I can't base my theory on that. But for Eric to be so emo, and not the snarky charmer from the books, I have to wonder if this is driven by popular demand/perception, or is it just more AB fuckery? Thoughts, anyone?


canon_balls August 25 2010, 07:25:36 UTC
Also, who could forget Pam's other great line of the night?
"It's a windy shit-hole."
Meg, I think this should be the title for one of your fics. :)


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