Sep 13, 2003 22:31
Umm...well, nothing much to say about my iRL life, really, but.....well, I guess I could try. My Photoshop class is going well. I think I can actually use that program now. =P (and if I get a picture of the CD cover up, you could see what I mean. But then I'd have to include all the copyright info and junk.....ah, maybe I'll put it up anyway.) Plus, there's never any real homework in that class. Then there's matter how much I actually hate that class, I can't deny that it seems like I personally never have to do any work in that class, nor is there ever any homework. PreCalc.....I'm sorry, I have to say it: it's easy. In fact, much of the time I'm actually doing DnD stuff or catching up on my lunch. =P Then there's fourth period.......Teacher's Aide for a teacher who's in my DnD group. *grins* As of yet, I think he's asked me to do one thing for him...although I don't remember what. =P
And speaking of DnD, the campaign is going along nicely. I'm currently in the process of translating the Nova Sword into DnD terms, if you can imagine that. I've also made a few neat little additions of my own, such as some spells, straight from Final Fantasy Tactics (=P), and a magic item that was ENTIRELY my own idea. I kinda like 'em. ^_^ Of course, we can't forget the little addition of the Yosheran (*coughYoshicough*) race. The PCs are currently about a third of the way through Fort Dragonia (Oh, I'm such a little thief =P). And they really want to grab those giant crystals that aren't really there. =P Plus, they've decreed that the party's Half-Celestial is no longer allowed to hug statues. XP And my NPC has become the involuntary leader of the group. I seriously wanted one of them to lead. =S
Well, that's enough for this entry.