Sep 18, 2005 22:54
well this weekend was not as great as i wanted it to be. well friday niebal came home and i was excited to have some me and niebal time but no kate comes and they stay at central for an hour so we miss the movie... it wasnt fun and i felt like i didnt see her at all then i went to the football game and watched central beat john glenns ass which probebly was the best part of my weekend even tho lilly and jen didnt show up! after the football game we just said fuck it we are goin to the movies so me my mom niebal and riema went to united artist and saw four brothers, know one liked it but me... i realy loved it and i cryed during the whole thing. cause all i kept thinking about was, what if someone i loved that much died? what would i do? would i kill someone just for revenge? it wasnt the movie that made me cry it was love, i hate the fact that it hurts so bad and i cant get my family out of my head for even 1 minute!
well after the movie we went home and went to sleep kinda pissed i didnt get to talk to joey but oh well shit happens!
well saterday was horable because niebal was gone all day and i just sat at home waiting for her to get back! but when she did i found out that her friends hurt her so bad that i wish i would have made her stay home with me... the only good thing that happened was she learned that friends are stupid and you dont need them and the only people you can trust and love 100% is ur family. knowing that niebal was hurt so bad made me want to make everyone of thoose people hurt just like her bacause who ever in there right mind would hurt niebal that much is an idiot and doesnt deserve to be happy. well the only good thing that came out of saterday was i got to talk to joey and ashley FINALY!
well sunday wasnt to hot either! me shadin and riema played sims from 12 untell 6... then we went out to applebees then came home and got ready for the wedding. it was a realy nice wedding thats what sucked about it... it was so beautiful but there was no one beautiful to spend the time with. me and my sisters kind of just sat there and kept thinkin about how bad we miss syria and all the parties and good times we had there. sitting there made me want to drive 610 miles to Allentown soooo bad! well i just got home and now im typing this and i feel so much more alone then i ever did! i miss everyone and i wish all the people i love where all in this room with me! i learned no matter how much fun i have with my sisters there is still that whole that joey, ashley and all my other awesome cousins need to fill! i keep saying time will make me get over it but its been almost 2 mounths and i still think about then as much as i did when i first got back from syria!
well i should go because im about to cry so i will talk to you all later!
Ula del una... ula del una I LOVE YOU NIEBAL, damn them guys where fine!!