Falling Behind?...

Feb 08, 2006 22:18

I'm not sure what it is...but I feel that I'm just becoming an insignificant sheep, bred and trained to do what America has taught everyone else to do. I have just fell in to the standard routine of getting up every morning, going to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and repeat. I feel like I lost track of myself and became a robot somewhere along the way with a basic program to function. What happened to life? My days off are spent sleeping in and doing errands...I feel like I have lost motivation for anything...

Sure I have the occasional ounce of fun when friends come over and we all drink and talk philosophically. But I still feel that I lost a piece of myself...I think that recently life has gotten in the way of my Bushido. I'm neglecting it and it annoys me. Rarely have I practiced my sword strokes or even done Yoga or meditated. Every time I want to something puts it off. I can no longer fall behind, I am Samurai! A samurai does not neglect his life, his soul...

This is my tardy New Year's Resolution:
I am now going to put much more time into the Samurai. I will make my inner devotion shine outwards that all may clearly see who I am. I will make time when I have none- go to bed late, get up early, whatever it takes. I will practice Yoga daily as my meditation, I will use my sword daily, even if it be one stroke. I will love my Fiance more than ever that she will support me as I support her. I will become as I once was God: ever diligent to daily prayer and scripture reading. I will become a True Samurai!

Be with me (Be you Samurai or Christian).

-The Samurai
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