Log: Public Proposal

Mar 06, 2008 20:30

LOG: Public Proposal - Will You Marry Me?
Who: Percy Weasleytrue_rebellion and Oliver Wood sixfootwood
What: Ollie proposes the only way he knows how.
Why: One word - Torchwood.
When: Last Night Set during This
Warnings: Does go upto NC-17

Percy walked in setting his briefcase on the floor before taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. sitting down on the old comfortable sofa and pulling off his shoes and socks. Nero jumped up onto the furniture and walked onto his lap sitting and looking at him expectantly.

"Please, Daddy Percy, I want lots of cuddles and love", said a Scottish accented voice form behind the sofa.

Percy looked at the cat bringing his hand up and stroked the top of the cat's head. "I don't know...what if Ollie catches us." He replied dead pan.

"Oh, he'll never know", replied 'Nero', "We can do it on the sly. Mmmmm, to the left a bit"

Percy smothered a smile. "But I feel wrong, betraying him like this." He replied his fingers moving.

"I can make all the worry go away", came the reply, "Right there. Oh yeaaaaah baby"

Percy snorted. "Oliver that's just disturbing."

"Ollie isn't here, but you can all his name if you like", came the voice in a sultry purr.

Percy pulled his hand off the cat shaking his head amused as he let the cat jump down and threw a cushion behind the sofa before moving to the kitchen to feed the cat.

"Ow!", squeaked the voice behind the sofa, before Ollie showed up, "Awww. I was having fun"

"It was bordering on the creepy." He called back feeding the cat.

Ollie laughed, jumping over the sofa and sitting on it. "It was still fun"

He stroked the cat before leaving him and walking back to the sofa. "Yes well enough of your bizarre ventriloquism.

"I thought I was very good", sniffed Ollie, "I'd have a possible career path if I stopped being an incredible keeper"

"That would never happen." He replied amused leaning back in the sofa with a sigh.

Ollie grinned, pulling him close. "Right answer", he said, kissing his neck.

Percy smiled arching his neck. "Did you have a good day at training?"

"Yes, yes I did", Ollie smiled, "I'm the best"

"Wonderful at everything hmm?"

"You should know", Ollie said with a crooked grin, "How was work?"

"Long." He whispered burying his face in Oliver's neck. "But it needs to be done.

"It does", he chuckled, "How's your fan?"

He frowned, "It's been a bit odd she sent me flowers this morning. Are you sure you're not putting her up to it?"

"I put my hand on my heart and swear I know nothing", smiled Ollie, doing so.

It's utterly bizarre then." He replied amused.

"Why?", Ollie smiled, "Because someone else thinks you're a sexy beast-man?"

"I am not a beast man!" He replied with a laugh

"You ARE sexy though", said Ollie

"I am not." He chuckled.

"Are so", Ollie nibbled at his neck, giving a growl.

He chuckled "I am not, you're the pin up Oliver Wood. Honestly even your name was made for it."

Ollie's grin widened. "Your words not mine", he said, "And you're hotter than a very hot thing"

He laughed softly "Possibly to you." He replied smiling.

"Always to me", he replied.

He chuckled softly grinning and kissing along his jaw.

Ollie grinned, arching his jaw, his fingers tangling in red curls.

You have an unhealthy fondness for red heads."

"Jus' yours", Ollie grinned.

"None other will do will it?"

"Nope", Ollie chuckled, "I'm a one-red-head man"

He laughed softly tilting his head to kiss him. "You're very sweet, I can see why mum likes you."

Ollie leaned in to return the kiss. "Call me the mother-charmer"

He smiled softly against his lips "Mmm you're new nick name, so you don't want to be known as six foot wood anymore?" He teased.

"Nooo", whimpered Ollie, "That's my sexy nickname"

He grinned softly, "You just like everyone calling you that." He whispered in his ear.

"Damn straight I do", Ollie grinned.

"Or is it just me?" He whispered.

"You can call me anything to like", Ollie purred into his ear.

Mmm that is very cheesy." He chuckled. "What about if I call you grumpy? Or sleepy? Or dopey?" He smiled kissing his lobe

Ollie grinned, arching. "If you say it in a sexy voice, you can call my crapweasel"

"I have a sexy voice?" He whispered low and amused.

"Very", said Ollie.

Percy's smile widened "I rather like this power over you."

"I thought you would", he replied, leaning in, kissing his jaw.

Percy smiled kissing him on the sofa that had witnessed their lives all the broken kisses and drunken tears.

Ollie returned the kiss, moving to straddle his lap with a low chuckle.

Percy blinked and chuckled, "I should just call you a scottish monkey."

"A monkey?", he asked with a grin.

"You are clambering all over me." He whispered stroking his sides.

"Well, I can put a stop to that", he smirked, moving to slide off him.

"No! No..." He replied pulling at him.

Ollie laughed, moving back onto his lap, licking his neck.

Percy smiled arching his neck happily again running his fingers through Ollie's short hair.

Ollie grinned, moving to ravish his neck.

Percy smiled leaning back sighing softly closing his eyes in delight.

"Enjoying yourself?", He teased, biting softly.

"Yes." He whispered pleased shivering gently

"Thought so", he grinned, nipping and licking.

He shivered, you've been in a strange mood since we visited your mother's haven't you?"

"Strange mood?", asked Ollie, "How so?"

"You were playing footsie with me while we were eating at your mother's don't think I've forgotten."

Ollie chuckled low. "Haven't you ever wanted to see if you can get away with it?"

"In front of your mother?"

"No, on the sly", said Ollie, with a smirk, "Hmm, maybe in public"

He blinked, "I am not being caught in public in a compromising situation."

"Comprimising?", Ollie chuckled low, "It'd be one hell of a thrill"

He shivered, "Ollie you're a complete exhibitionist."

"No, it would be fucking brilliant", breathed Ollie.

"And where were you planning this rendez vous?"

"I don't know", Ollie smirked, "It'll be spontaneous"

"Oh..." He whispered kissing him. "Knowing our luck we'll be caught by an elderly woman."

Ollie chuckled low into his kiss. "That what makes it more thrilling"

He closed his eyes "my reputation would be in tatters." He breathed deepening it.

"Only if we get caught", he replied, grinding his hips.

He groaned leaning up and biting at his lip.

"You wanna?", breathed Ollie, "One day?"

He whimpered torn his hands sliding up his back before nodding, "One day." He breathed

"I'll pounce on you one night", he chuckled low, kissing him deeply, wriggling his hips again.

He closed his eyes, "What do you mean." He whispered grinding up.

"You'll have to wait and see", Ollie promised with a low chuckle, dipping his hips.

He groaned his hands running up under his jumper.

Ollie grinned, teasing. "Maybe I should make you go dry a bit", he murmured against his lips, "Make you welcome it"

"Ollie don't... He whispered ardently.

"Mmm, I don't think I could", chuckled Ollie, dipping his hips down with a hard grind, "You're too much for me"

He sighed in relief pulling his jumper and t shirt off hurriedly with long fingers.

Ollie laughed, leaning in to kiss his neck, grinding down again, pushing him down on the couch.

He groaned as he was pushed down pinned to the sofa arching his neck with a shuddering whimper.

Ollie grinned, worrying at his neck as his hand moved down to palm him.

He groaned his hips rising into the touch. "Ollie..." He whispered.

"Hmmm?", Ollie grinned, brushing softly.

He whimpered tightening his hold on him his fingers digging in as he bucked

Ollie laughed, his hand curling around him.

He grumbled softly "Oliver...you're a terrible tease." He murmured straining against the fabric.

"I thought you enjoyed it", Ollie laughed, before pulling off his underwear with a low chuckle, his hand squeezing tighter.

He scrambled at the sofa lying back his hands sliding up Ollie's arms his hips bucking a little as he thrusted up.

Ollie grinned, giving him a slow, strong pump. "I'd be saying that spell before I just ravage you anyway"

He whimpered the rest of his body boneless as he moved thick and turgid twitching in Oliver's hand , his legs spread wide as he leant his head back against the back of the sofa and stared up at the ceiling. His hips rising as his fingers dug into the fabric of the sofa writhing to distraction.

Ollie laughed, leaning in kissing at his neck, his thumb moving to brush along the entrance of Percy's rear. "Peeerrrccee"

He gasped softly his legs moving. "Ollie...this ain't fair..." He babbled.

"Ain't?", Ollie teased, "Lost our grammar, have we?". He chuckled low, pushing his thumb inside.

He grunted in frustration his hand covering his eyes "Your fault. "

"Mine?", Ollie grinned pressing a finger in, scissoring out.

He whimpered lifting his hips before groaning trying to get comfortable where he sat shifting on the sofa.

Ollie laughed low, dipping his head to take him in his mouth as he prepared him.

The red head closed his eyes hid fingers dragging through Oliver's hair throwing his legs over Oliver's shoulders, his heels pressing him lightly to bring him closer.

Ollie grinned. "Hmm you can be a bit slutty, then", he teased around him as he sucked hard.

He closed his eyes with a low chuckle. "I can quite easily go back to choir boy if you're not careful. "

"Nooo", laughed Ollie, licking up his length before removing his fingers.

He groaned stretching out a little his chest rising and falling rapidly as he panted his fingers clawing at the throw, his skin glinting in the light.

Ollie leaned in, kissing him deeply as he pressed easily inside with a low groan.

Percy's toes curled as Oliver pushed in and he groaned in relief his eyes closing as he arched.

"Better?", he murmured against his lips, starting to rock into him.

"Much." He whispered before whimpering in pleasure tightening his legs around him.

Ollie grinned, kissing him deeply as he began to thrust in deep, one hand curling into Percy's hair, the other wrapping around him tightly.

He arched his hips up taking him in deep crying out with each thrust, his hand crabbing a cushion and grasping it tightly to muffle the moans and cries so as notto disturb their neighbours.

Ollie grinned, batting the pillow away. "Let them hear", he responded, thrusting in harder.

He bit his lip before crying out as he was jolted, suddenly at the mercy of the powerful keeper.

Ollie kissed his neck, loving his cries as he rocked deep within him, groaning with each thrust, thick and heavy within his lover.

Percy whimpered holding onto him tightly moving with him a he buried his face in the sofa.

Ollie grinned as he drove deeper with a low groan, his thumb brushing over the tip of Percy's member.

He groaned arching up suddenly with a whimper

Ollie chuckled, continuing his action, grinding into him hard.

he clenched his eyes tight burying his face into Ollie's neck his hands wrapping around him as he cried in warning biting his shoulder.

"'Cmon, Love", whispered Ollie, kissing his ear as he tugged harder.

He cried out half sobbing as he released with a fervent cry and a shudder between them.

Ollie laughed throatily, before crying out his own release deep inside his lover.

Percy rested his pale forehead on Ollie's tanned shoulder panting for breath.

Ollie grinned, nuzzling him from where they lay. "I can't believe you let us do it on the sofa"

Percy sighed laying his head back. "Yes well it's not the first time I doubt it will be the last for this battered old thing."

Ollie giggled, giving his ear a sharp nip. "Love you"

He smiled a little, looking back at him fondly. "I love you too."

Ollie smiled, nuzzling him, one hand taking Percy's their fingers entwining, looking at him thoughtfully.

Percy squeezed his hand back blinking softly "What?"

Ollie tilted his head, before smiling, kissing the corner of his mouth. "Nothin'"

He blinked watching him. "Are you sure?"

Ollie considered again. The nodded. "I'm sure"

He nodded uncertain. "Alright..."

Ollie grinned, biting his chin, waggling his eyebrows.

"You're behaving very oddly today" He murmured dragging his fingers through his hair.

"Just thinking is all", said Ollie, leaning into his touch.

"About?" He asked watching him.

"Things", said Ollie with a shrug.

He sighed, "You're not going to tell me are you?"

"Not yet", Ollie decided on

Percy nodded, "Well can you at least get off me so I can clean up?"

"I'm comfy", complained Ollie

"And I'm messy." He complained in return

Ollie gave a long suffering sigh, kissing him, before sliding off him.

Percy smiled sitting up with a stretch picking up the strewn clothes as he stood. "Bathroom, you can start on dinner."

"Yes, Love", Ollie chuckled softly.

Percy smiled, "And not beans on toast this time either." He replied slipping into the bathroom.

"But it's delicious AND nutritious!", yelled back Ollie, slipping on his jeans, making sure Percy had gone before walking to his bag, fumbling around feeling a box, nodding and smiling to himself, moving it back to it's hiding place.
"EGG AND CHIPS IT IS THEN!", he shouted going back to the kitchen.

"Oh for crying out loud Ollie! Vegetables do exist you know!" He yelled from the bathroom before turning on the shower.

"Chips are a vegetable!!!", complained Ollie.

"Yeah drenched in oil!" He called before sighing. "Fine." He grumbled "I suppose it's better than nothing." He mumbled into the spray giving a soft sigh as the hot water cleaned him off soap suds floating down the drain.

Ollie grinned, starting on the food, whistling cheerfully to himself.

After ten minutes the water stopped and Percy wrapped a towel around his waist and rubbed his hair with another. He padded to their bedroom getting his bathrobe and wrapping it around himself, tying it off before padding into the kitchen with his slippers.

Ollie turned his head, beaming happily as he made the food. "Feel cleaner now?"

Percy smiled and nodded, "Yes thank you." He replied opening up a bottle of wine with a soft sigh letting it breathe.

Ollie smiled, leaning in kissing him softly as he left it cook. "I gotta do something", he said softly, then smiled, arching his eyebrows, "You should make an entry in your livejournal"

He blinked smiling slightly, "About what?" He asked looking back at him.

"Anything", Ollie shrugged and kissed his chin, "Be creative"

Percy nodded, "Okay." He replied amused moving his head and kissing him. "Don't let it burn."

"I got it on a slow heat", said Ollie, nuzzling him, "Go on, then"

Percy smiled amused pouring himself a glass before walking off to his study.

Ollie watched him go, making sure he WAS gone before grabbing his laptop and switching it on.

Percy smiled and sipped at his wine putting up a post and sitting back in amusement. "I'm done!" He called, "Can I eat now?"

"No!", shouted back Ollie, "Keep looking"

He laughed and sighed and pressed refresh before his smile faded as he stared at the screen.

"Got any replies yet?", Ollie asked with a low chuckle, settling back on the sofa.

A stunned silence echoed from the room and Percy appeared in the doorway of the study Staring at him he rested his palms on the frame.

Ollie smiled, turning his head to him, pulling out his box and opening it, putting it on the flat of his hand, the ring gleaming inside.

Percy's eyes dropped to the ring and then up at Oliver. "You're serious?"

Ollie looked down at the ring, then back at Percy, a softer smile replacing his usual roguish grin. "Completely"

Percy gave him an almost terrified smile before walking in shakily his hands coming to rest lightly on the back of the chair and then moving to sit beside Ollie, shell-shocked.

"Right", Ollie nodded, "I'm just gonna sit here for a bit while you let that sink in"

Percy looked at him before his face crumpled blinking back tears as he grabbed Ollie's face with his hands kissing him painfully hard.

Ollie blinked, returning the kiss, wrapping his arms around him. "Oh bugger, I've made you cry, that can't be good", he said, "It was the rainbow badge, wasn't it? I buggered it up"

Percy shook his head frantically trying to calm himself his body wracked with painful sobs.

Ollie rubbed his hand over his back. "Perce...Love, it's okay.. if you don’t' want to, you...you know, you don't have to"

He shook his head taking a great shuddering breath opening his mouth to speak but his throat closed up as he wiped his face resting his forehead against Ollie's taking the ring and placing it in Ollie's fingers. "Please." He breathed with halting breaths

Ollie blinked, then smiled, leaning in, kissing him ever so gently. "Percy Ignatius Weasley", he murmured softly, his forehead still resting against him, holding the ring between his fingers, "Will you marry me?"

He clenched his jaw tight trying to pull himself together and nodded "Yes...please." He breathed his voice tight.

Ollie chuckled softly. Only Percy could say 'please' when accepting a wedding proposal. He kissed his forehead gently, slipping the ring on his finger. "I love you"

He stared at the ring his hand trembling softly before he gave a warm smile, I love you too." He breathed before his eyes rolled up and he passed out manfully in Oliver's arms.

Ollie blinked, catching him and looking at him. "Oh for the love of bloody Merlin", he said, before smiling, kissing his forehead, standing up, carrying off to their bedroom, resting him on the bed, pulling the bedclothes over him and standing back, watching him.

Percy stirred gently burrowing under the covers his head moving a little as he blinked his eyes open.

Ollie smiled a little, chuckling. "Welcome back"

"Thanks..what happ..." He trailed off sitting up and staring at his hand and then a Oliver. "Oh..."

"You passed out", said Ollie, moving to sit beside him, "Well, more of a manful swoon, really"

"I passed out because..." He breathed out slowly blinking. "Oh the eggs!"

Ollie blinked, sniffing. "Bugger", he rushed out, yelling out an extinguishing spell, before returning, coughing, "Um..all done"

Percy looked at him giving him a light smile. "I'm not hungry." He whispered looking down at his hand.

"Oh, good, because they're...um..black", said Ollie, then smiled, moving to sit by him again, "So..umm...I asked you to marry me today"

"You did." He whispered before looking at him and kissing him deeply. "For some utterly bizarre reason you did." He murmured

"Because I love you, you Tit", Ollie laughed, returning the kiss, "Thought you knew that"

"I do...I do I just...Oh I can't believe I just acted like such a girl." He whispered wiping his face. "No one hears I cried understood?"

Ollie smiled, kissing the tears away. "I won't breathe a word"

"They certainly don't hear I passed out." He whispered before breathing out softly. "I'm sorry for freaking out."

"Not ever", Ollie breathed, then smiled, "That's okay, I'm sued to it"

He frowned. "I just never expected...I never thought that you'd...it took me by surprise."

Ollie chuckled. "That's the point"

He smiled softly looking at him quietly before leaning in and kissing him. "Thank you." He breathed. "Even if you embarrassed me in public."

"Could you imagine me doing it any other way?", he grinned into the kiss.

"No." He whispered with a soft chuckle.

"Exactly", Ollie smiled, kissing him again.

His clear blue eyes gazed back at him. "You're the most amazing thing I've ever..." He closed his eyes wrapping his arms around him

Ollie smiled, wrapping his arms around him, moving to lie on the bed, pulling him into the arms. "So're you, Mate"

Percy wrapped him in a tangle of limbs and bedclothes his face buried into his neck. "Thank You for sitting next to me on the train." He breathed.

Ollie smiled, watching him, kissing his forehead tenderly. "How could I not?", he asked, "A bloody stunner like you"

He smiled softly." I looked like a red owl." He whispered amused.

"You were still a stunner", Ollie smiled, nuzzling him, "Best thing I ever did, sitting by you"

"With big national health specs and bright red hair and freckles?" He asked softly. "Besides did you even know you liked boys then?"

Ollie laughed softly. "Even with them", he said, "And well...no, but I knew when I looked at you, you were someone I was gonna know for all of my life"

Percy laughed, "I must've been a right sight in Charlie's old clothes. The pair of them have always been bigger than me."

"Didn't matter to me", smiled Ollie, snuggling in, "Never mattered to me"

Percy smiled leaning in, "All that practicing behind the broom sheds was worth it." He whispered

"You better believe it was", Ollie replied, nuzzling him, his arms tightening around him as he closed his eyes with a sigh, "Thanks for saying yes"

"I wish you'd just told me then you liked me." He murmured

"Had to go and make things complicated, didn't I?", he chuckled ruefully.

He smiled softly, "It's strange you've never been shy of anything before."

"You were different", Ollie opened his eyes to peer at him, "Didn't want to lose you"

Percy watched him, "You were never going to lose me. You were my best friend...at times my only friend."

"I know, Love", Ollie held him close, "And that's why I didn't want to bugger it up by telling you I fancied you. You had her"

He frowned and nodded, "I suppose it was a good thing...it meant I learnt how not to treat the person I’m with."

"She was a vacuous tramp", said Ollie with a firm nod, "A bitch of the highest order and you're better off without her"

He blinked, "Ollie, I was mean to her. Always working all the time.."

"And she couldn't hack it", said Ollie

He frowned softly, "I was terrible to her, I don't plan on making the same mistakes twice."

Ollie smiled, leaning in and kissing him. "You could work for years at a time and you'd still have me to come home to"

Percy smiled softly kissing him back. "You could lose every game you ever play and you'll still have me." He breathed

"Then we're lucky we decided to get married then, aren't we?", he grinned roguishly.

He grinned pulling him close and kissing him deeply. Hi hand clasping Ollie's tightly the ring glinting from the light of the hall streaming through.

Ollie smiled, returning the kiss for all it was worth, squeezing back, before settling on the bed again, closing his eyes, pulling Percy close. "Sleep now"

"Mmmm can I just watch you? I'm a little too excited to sleep." He asked

"Tha's fine, watchin's good", mumbled Ollie, his words slightly slurred as he snuggled in, "Bloody knackered"

Percy smiled tucking Oliver's head under his chin.

Ollie mumbled softly, incoherently as he nuzzled up to him, drifting off softly.

Percy smiled stroking his fingers through Ollie's hair as he slept his ring glinting in the gloom.
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