(no subject)

Dec 16, 2004 20:28

x. Slept in your bed: Me
x. Saw you cry: mom
x. Made you cry: no one right now..
x. Spent the night with: Paul
x. You shared a drink with: Taylor
x. You went to the movies with: liz and Nikkie
x. You went to the mall with: Alex
x. Yelled at you: Dad
x. Sent you an email: havent checked it
x. You kissed: Taylor x3

x. Said "I Love You" and meant it? yes
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet? Yes
x. Been to New York:yes, 3 days before 9/11
x. Florida: yes, Disney Woot!
x. California: No.
x. Hawaii: No.
x. Mexico: No.
x. China: No.
x. Canada:nope
x. Danced naked: Heh. wouldnt you like to know
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Yes, Just ask and ill tell
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: ive always thought, what if i were a girl?
x. Had an imaginary friend: no, i was a loner. Imagainary friends, were to cool for me.....*sniff*
x. Things you like in a girl/guy: one word. Taylor
x. Do you have a crush on someone: Yeah! and im with her now
x. What book are you reading now: King of hell
x. Worst feeling in the world:being alone.......
x. What is the first thing you think when you wake up: Taylor *dreamy sigh* lol
x. Future daughter's name: dunno......
x. Future son's name: not sure.....
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: yessir. his name is phil the gopher
x. What's under your bed: my paintball gun, and failed attempts at drawing
x. Favorite sport to watch: Football.Extreme sports
x. Siblings: 1 half/sister
x. Location: Delawhere?
x. College plans: not sure
x. Piercings/tattoos: Of course, just to piss off my dad.
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yep, my Angel Taylor

x. Do you do drugs: nope
x. Do you drink: sometimes
x. Who is your best friend: Taylor,and Alex
x. What are you most scared of: oming my fatherlivin
x. What clothes do you sleep in: clothes? heh. nah, my boxers.
x. Where do you want to get married: Ireland
x. Who do you really hate: people. named NIck
x. What type automobile do you drive: *9 jeep
x. Do you have a job: Staples! woot.
x. Do you like being around people:yea it makes me feel better
x. Are you for world peace: yea it'd be great but thats fuckin never gonna happen
x. Are you a health freak: nope, fat kid repin'
x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: nope
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: Yup
x. Do you have a "type": not really-Taylor is my "type"
x. Want someone you don't have right now: yes-Taylor
x. Are you lonely right now: lil
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: no not if i really truly think there the one and i love them
x. Do you want to get married: Yes.
x. Do you want kids:yes.
x. Room in house: My room
x. Type(s) of music: hard rock\punk\emo\rock
x. Band: sAVES THE DAY
x. Color: green
x. Perfume or cologne:
x. Month: December-gotta love the snow. Summer-Cuz gotta love the girlfriend in the bikini.XP

x. Cried: Yes
x. Bought something: yea
x. Gotten sick: yep,sick of this damn thing
x. Sang: Yes..
x. Said "I Love You": yes, to taylor
x. Wanted to tell someone you loved them: yes, i do all the time, to Taylor
x. Met someone new: paige-alex's sorta not really girlfriend
x. Moved on: No
x. Talked to someone: Yes
x. Missed someone: Yes always.
x. Hugged someone: Yes
x. Kissed someone: yea
x. Fought with your parents: Yes

F I R S T S.

First best friend: Joey- I miss him alot......
First car: My 89 jeep
First date: With vikkie *shivers*
First real kiss: special but i regret it
First break-up :Vikkie
First Self purchased album: dunno
First funeral: great grandmother
First pet: Thor- a dog
First piercing/tattoo: none
First credit card: i don't think dad will ever trust me enough with a credit card
First true love:Taylor
First enemy: Cal......
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Rod stewart.....damn you mom!
L A S T S.

Last cigarette: never smoked before
Last car ride: My truck comin home
Last good cry:a month ago
Last library book checked out: Ferhinet 451
Last movie seen: Watched? ha, Attempted to watch Brother bear
Last beverage drank: Root beer
Last crush: Taylor but im with her now
Last phone call:Taylor
Last time showered: this morning
Last CD played: Sugar cult
Last annoyance: Nick........grr
Last disappointment: sarah......
Last time wanting to die: before i met taylor
Last shirt worn: My Hurley shirt
Last word you said: Whoa.....

F U T U R E.

Where do you want to go?: Ireland
Your career going to be?: Artist i hope
Going to live?: Ireland?
Do you want any kids?: yep

C U R R E N T S.

Current mood: Content
Current taste: Mt.Dew,and pizza
Current clothes:Hurly shirt,jeans,my hat, and my black boxer/briefs
Current longing: To be with.......Taylor
Current favorite artist: Saves the day-thanks Taylor
Current book you're reading: Heh. Harry potter #5
Current time-wasting wish:

W H A T S.

What's in your CD player?: car-sugarcult/walkman- senses fail
What color socks are you wearing?: white
What color of underwear are you wearing: black
What's under your bed?: didnt i alredy do this?
What time did you wake up today?: 6:00.thinkin of taylor. The went to school
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