Film Wedding Anyone ?

Aug 24, 2010 14:07

This year I've shot two weddings with film so far and a third one is on its way in October. I am the "second shooter"; the "associate photographer" for these weddings along with luxography as the primary photographer (Brian's shooting digital). I'm using two rangefinders along with a TLR (no SLR here.. so there's no "macro" per se and my closest focus distance is 3 feet). I got some awesome shots that I personally adored and, from my understanding, the couples liked them too. Now I want to be able to shoot one entirely solo - maybe with an assistant, if I need one, to hold a reflector or off camera flash or such.

The "gear" is light enough that I can carry it all day - I think my two Leicas and the four lenses probably weigh less than my D700, grip and 70-200 VR put together.

Now, I know that this sort of thing (film) is not for everyone - and it's something I want to offer to those who DO want it and understand/know what to expect as the end product. My intent is to shoot the film, develop it, scan it (high res - 4000 dpi) and then edit as I normally would. So far, it works out pretty much the same only with a lot less "waste". As I said, this is not for everyone.

So, what I would like to do is "give away" film wedding coverage for free* (I actually would like the cost of film and developing covered which usually, based on a recent 10 hour wedding, is about $200-$250 OR the couple could donate that to a worthy charity such as the Canadian Cancer Society, Hospital For Sick Children, or some other worthy cause).

I am going to ask you to seek out your friends who may be interested in this (and who are getting married in 2011 - preferably during the spring/summer/early fall months) and find out if they could benefit from something such as this.

Although I've already said it twice I will repeat it once more, this is NOT for everyone and not everyone would appreciate this sort of thing - so, while there may be a number of couples that either want or could be interested merely because they're on a budget, I may not be the right fit for them and vice versa. This is EXTREMELY important because there MUST be a comfort level - this is film, not digital so what you get is what you get. You may get awesome images (which is what I hope to deliver) or you may get squat. Couples should be aware of this fact and be prepared while at the same time allowing for me to "run the show" as it were.

Feel free to comment here or fire me an email at the(dot)nexus(at)gmail(dot)com if you'd like further information.


myphotography, myweddings

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