From The "Power Of Positive Dating" Dept.

Apr 17, 2009 16:51

If there's one thing I've learned as I've become older, it's that one never stops learning.

Many times I thought that I "knew it all"; most of these times were when I was still in high school or, perhaps, early university. You know, before you have an experience that sort of "takes you down a few notches" per se.

Nowadays I don't take any relationship for granted.

I know that there are times when I _think_ I know better than someone else but there are many times that I realize that I really don't have a clue what's going on. It's times like those; the ones where you're blind sided and you come to an epiphany like St Paul on the road to Damascus, that you get inspiration.

Yesterday, on my way home from work with Josee; which always seems to be an interesting ride home - it's so much better having someone to talk with rather than yelling out expletives to myself as I got angry with other drivers/cyclists/pedestrians - we were having our usual chat about how the day went and such. I mentioned something to her, I can't remember exactly what now but clearly it was something that made her say to me "Why limit yourself baby? You do that a lot. . . "

Just as she said that a soft light from the heavens shone upon me. A choir of cherubs sang "Hallelujah" (the cool Leonard Cohen tune.. not the churchy Handel's Messiah chorus) and I had that epiphany I mentioned.

Why do we do that to ourselves? And I wondered, specifically, why do *I* do that to *my*self? So many times I say I'm "not worthY". Hell, that was what I used to say to myself when I used to see Josee at the gym; "She'd never date a guy like me; she's out of my league."

Just as anyone will tell you, the power of positive thinking also applies to negative thoughts and ideas as well. It's clearly a self defeating principal that we all, sometimes, get cought up in; much like a hurricane or whirpool; these types of thoughts take you and and continually spin you around until you believe in them.

Well, no more. Time to do a self check. Time to dust myself off. No more sitting on the couch watching bowling and eating pork rinds "lite".

It's time for a new direction.
A new flavour.
One that will be exciting, bursting, and positive.

Thanks Josee.... you don't realize how much I needed that...


mylife, myphilosophy

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