From the "Lenten Meditations" Dept.

Feb 12, 2008 10:24

Mental Note To Me:

The man that is not perfectly dead to himself, is quickly tempted and overcome in small and trifling things. The weak in spirit, and he that is yet in a manner carnal and prone to sensible things, can hardly withdraw himself altogether from earthly desires: And therefore he is often afflicted, when he goes about to withdraw himself from them; and easily falls into indignation, when any opposition is made against him.

And if he has followed therein his appetite, he is presently disquieted with remorse of conscience; for that he yielded to his passion, which profits him nothing to the obtaining of the peace he sought for. True quietness of heart therefore is gotten by resisting our passions, not by obeying them.

My mom had given me a small book years ago.
Thirty years ago this year actually.
It's a book that I read every now and then and to me, it provides great inspiration, insight, and guidance.
I'm just happy I actually started to read it as I grew older.
When I was 12, it certainly didn't mean much to me then but now... ya... very very good imho.

So, mom, just so you know, I did find time for that little book :)
Thanks for finding it and giving it to me :)


mylife, myreligion, myphilosophy

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