St. Francis The Photographer?

Jan 02, 2008 11:33

As someone who takes photos; some have called me a “photographer”, it is often I get tangled up in all things material that are used to that end. That is, all the gear that we all “want” in order to perform the task of taking photos. Such gear lust often enters our heads and makes us believe that, if we had that one lens or that one body, we would, somehow, become even better at our craft.

Of course, once the lust takes hold and the money is spent and the realization hits that, in reality, the $2,500 lens or the $5,000 body doesn’t help our photos one iota we enter “justification mode” and try to make ourselves believe that, in fact, we really do need these items. “It’s the only lens on the market that is a f1.0 and therefore it will help my low light shooting!!” as though we shoot a lot of time in extremely dim lit situations and, heaven forbid, can never use any flash or artificial lighting.

This entire process, for me, creates such a conundrum.
I am, by birth, a Christian and Catholic and, in my heart of hearts, I really feel for those less fortunate than myself.
At the same time, I get so caught up in all the hype surrounding equipment that I do often find myself in that situation that I have described above. It’s a difficult thing; trying to align ones philosophical or spiritual beliefs with the money that is spent on such things.

I wonder if anyone else out there feels the same way.
I have my “luxury” items but I tend to not get carried away with them but, really, do I actually need these things? Probably not.

I am saddened by the fact that all too often I’ve let my lust control me and therefore my spending.

Another resolution for ‘08 - to be more mindful (in the Buddhist fashion) of my spending on such things and to concentrate more on becoming a better person and photographer with what I already have - if anything; I should look at reducing the amount of gear I currently own rather than increasing it..


mylife, myphotography, myphilosophy, myspirituality

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