First spell, mayfield_rpg, This isn't the life I went to bed with last night

May 17, 2011 11:10

A [Location: 5721 Cunningham Road, Action, locked to not!family (Basini and Shilo)]

[Something was terribly wrong, and though he didn't know what, he could feel the wrongness even before he opened his eyes.  It wasn't that he was in a strange bed; in the past months he'd spent more time on couches and at temporary lodgings then he had in his room at ( Read more... )

community: mayfield, role play, location: 5721 cunningham, location: outdoors

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Comments 123

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[phone] true_marauder May 17 2011, 19:42:18 UTC
Harry? [Of all the voices he might expect, Harry's was not one of them]

Something is very wrong about this place. It's not just that it's a muggle town.

We're trapped? Who is we Harry?


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[phone] true_marauder May 20 2011, 08:00:27 UTC
I'm not missing anything of value other than my wand [the benefit of owning very little, he supposed) but I can't even manage a lumos.

[It was almost embarrassing to admit, though he knew it was nothing he had done. But he'd taught at Hogwarts, and now he had no magic.]

James? And Lily? Here?


A swinish_beast May 17 2011, 22:02:25 UTC
[The staircase creaks a little as Basini pads down it, barefoot and extremely wary. He'd gotten dressed for school in what Mayfield provided him rather than his old uniform. He wouldn't be caught dead in tall socks and short trousers again back home, but the town seemed to love treating him like a little kid, and so he'd let it.

His eyes get very wide when he spots the intruder, and he begins stumbling back up the steps.]


[action] true_marauder May 17 2011, 23:01:17 UTC
[It's one of the children from the pictures, but unlike the woman he reacts in what Remus finds to be a much more normal way. He holds up his hands.]

I'm not here to hurt you, I promise. There's been a terrible mistake, I think.


Re: [action] swinish_beast May 17 2011, 23:24:19 UTC
Oh yes, sir, it's the town -- you're here to be the father, and I don't want a new father--

[Frightened, he begins to babble.]


true_marauder May 18 2011, 03:20:23 UTC
I'm not here to be anyone's father either. I just want to find my way home. [Why couldn't he have something more respectable on then jim-jams? He can't even put his hands in his pockets.]

My name is Remus. I'm a professor, and I've never been a father.


C imwotchingyou May 17 2011, 22:12:08 UTC
[Tonks is walking to work again. There's not much of a difference between driving and walking once you've factored in pulling out of the driveway, red lights and then parking. Besides, with walking, she can cut across yards and alleyways.

She's wearing a truly horrible rose patterned dress. Who designs anything with magenta roses on a orange background? More importantly, who wears it? Tonks, that's who. Her hair doesn't match though. Today, she's a blond and her hair hanging down to her shoulders.

For the most part, she's minding her own business until she comes up behind a guy. He's taking up most of the whole sidewalk but she thinks she can squeeze through.]

Excuse me.


true_marauder May 17 2011, 23:02:51 UTC
[The voice startles him out of his morose thoughts, and he's already moved out of her way automatically before he turns he head to see who spoke. His eyes widen.]



imwotchingyou May 17 2011, 23:59:33 UTC
[It doesn't register until she moves past him. Tonks turns around and just stares. For the moment, she is too stunned to even correct the use of her first name. She's too surprised to do anything other than stand there.]

Remus? What are you...? When did you...? What?

[She looks around.]

Is this a trick? You know, this wouldn't be the first time this bloody awful town decided to get it's jollies by pulling a prank. I didn't think one would be this cruel. I don't fancy my mates being pulled into Mayfield and I don't fancy having my mind messed with either.

[She rambles on for a bit before taking a step towards him. She is close enough now that she can touch him. Tonks extends the finger on her right hand and pokes him in the chest. It's just a test that revels he's at least solid.

Tonks tilts her head to look up at him.]

Is it really you Remus?


true_marauder May 18 2011, 03:25:11 UTC
[He looks down at where she's touched him. She's the only one so far that has, and though he never considered not being corporeal it's a relief to know that he is. He's not sure who she's talking to when she speaks of pranks, but it's not him. He wished it was, that this was an elaborate prank and everything would go back to the way it was supposed to be. Strange, that he would actually wish for the heavy atmosphere of an approaching war, but at least that was real.]

I was Remus when I fell asleep in the library at headquarters last night. I'm not certain what to think now.


C pants_yourmove May 17 2011, 22:27:12 UTC
[[Aaron's going to stare at the guy as he shouts strange words.

Finally getting his act together, calling out.]]

Hey! Hello!

You're probably new...


true_marauder May 17 2011, 23:05:38 UTC
[At first he doesn't notice the person calling out to him. He's too intent on trying to puzzle out what could have happened. When he does look up his expression is confused.]

Do you know where we are?


pants_yourmove May 18 2011, 02:08:34 UTC
Yes... and we've been kidnapped.

I guess I should start by telling you they stole everything. Including powers and things that make us unique in some ways.

There's a lot of us here.


true_marauder May 18 2011, 03:27:39 UTC
How is it possible to steal... [He shook his head. There had to be very old and very dark magic at work.]

The purpose of kidnapping seems to be money or leverage, neither of which would be offered in exchange for myself.


C cowardly_snake May 17 2011, 22:42:42 UTC
[Lucius is walking down the street to work and hears words he recognises. Spells, charms, magic. But when he sees who it is, he sneers.]

They're bringing in anything now, are they?


true_marauder May 17 2011, 23:04:08 UTC
I should have known one of you was behind this. What have you done? [He reaches for his wand, an automatic reaction, but it's still not there.]


cowardly_snake May 17 2011, 23:12:46 UTC
I've done nothing. I don't want to be here any more than you do, wolf.

[He also reaches for his wand but without his cane, he hasn't got it either.]


true_marauder May 18 2011, 03:28:53 UTC
Well despite how much reason I have to trust you, I find it hard to believe that you have nothing to do with this.


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