“Things fall apart; the center cannot hold" RP for auror_aura

Nov 02, 2009 19:43

He ran as fast and far as he could, his flight ended when he tripped over something and landed on his side on the forest floor.  Not thinking about running meant thinking about other things, and he hadn't even managed to halfway sit up when the contents of his stomach unleashed themselves on the base of a tree.  Wave after wave of dry heaves followed until he was trembling silently, his forehead against the harsh bark of the tree, not even able to control the muscles that would let him throw up again.

It was some time before he could control his breathing, even long until he could push aside the bloody images and find a memory strong enough to send a wandless Patronus.  Almost immediately a silver Phoenix found him, confirming what he already knew.  The Montgomery child was dead.

He couldn't be here.  He didn't know where he could be, but he couldn't be here, where he could still smell the blood, where the screams were still echoing in his ears, where he could still see the look on Greyback's face when he transformed.  So he did the very thing they'd been cautioned against at his very first Apparation lesson; he gave no thought to destination, determination, or deliberation and simply Apparated.

He found himself in a hallway that seemed familiar, but through the fog in his mind he didn't know why.  He leaned heavily against the wall, and when his knees gave out he slid down to the floor and closed his eyes.

timeline: order of the pheonix, role play, featuring: nymphadora tonks

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