Just once before I go (RP for auror_aura)

Oct 10, 2009 21:24

Two days.  He felt the weight of time on his shoulders, a pressing countdown that told him that everything that hadn't ended in the days since Sirius had died would be coming to and end soon.  In two days he would leave Grimmauld Place, and Dora, and everything that mattered behind and become the part of himself that he'd fought against since he was a child.  Dread was too weak of a word to describe how he felt about the mission he was about to take.

But that was in two days, and he wasn't going to think about it tonight.  Tonight he was going to do his best to give Nymphadora Tonks the most perfect evening.  She deserved it, and perhaps he needed it too.  One perfect memory before he left.

It too a little more then the hour he had asked for to get ready.  He took a shower and shaved, dressing in his one good set of robes, dark brown with no patches or fraying.  Underneath he wore a deep red shirt that Sirius had sworn he had mistakenly ordered in the wrong size and insisted he keep since it just happened to fit him, cream coloured trousers and his usual worn shoes.  After two more stops he showed up at the door to Dora's flat.  In one hand he held a box of chocolates, in the other a potted lilac plant.  After a little shifting he managed to free one hand to knock on the door.

timeline: order of the pheonix, role play, featuring: nymphadora tonks

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