“We have the wolf by the ears; we can neither hold him, nor let him go." For auror_aura

Sep 29, 2009 18:17

Wolfsbane potion imbibed by a wizard now flowed through the veins of a wolf, calming him, keeping his more dangerous predilections at bay.  Sometimes the draught was enough to cool his blood and allow him to curl up before the fire and sleep, but not tonight.  Tonight he prowled the room he could not leave, thanks to charms he could not undo in werewolf form.  The same charms blocked the sound of his howls so they did not disturb the others that called Grimmauld place home.

He paced below the window that displayed the full moon, clawing at the glass in a bid for freedom.  The air was different tonight, the smells of the room not what the wolf was used to.  Someone else was here.  He could smell her in the air, the carpet, his own fur.  Mostly, though, he could smell her on the bed.  He tore at sheets and pillows, sending feathers into the air, trying to get at her even though she wasn't there.  The wolf didn't know her name, and could only call her mate.

He prowled for hours, only falling asleep in front of the fire an hour before the moon set and the sky began to lighten.  The man didn't wake up when the transformation ended, only clenching the ripped pillowcase closer to his nose and breathing in the smell.

timeline: order of the pheonix, role play, featuring: nymphadora tonks

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