У всех партнеры как партнеры, а у меня индийцы

Mar 11, 2011 14:15


Клиент: Good morning Tatiana

Я: Morning

Клиент: Happy Valentine Day to you and to foilks at AVK

Клиент: I have emailed the presentation. Kindly  read it

Я: when&

Клиент: yeah

Я: ok

Клиент: yesterday

Я: I got it

Клиент: great

Я: do not send to Elena - she is from purchase department

Клиент: oh ok

Клиент: sure

Клиент: so I would need Air and Ship transportation prices + delivery time for those selected brands

Я: wait wait wait

Я: we are not transport company - and we have to ask logistics company

Я: so give me airport - and sea port

Клиент: airport - New Delhi

Я: for delivery and for making an order

Клиент: nearest sea port - Mumbai

Я: I think you order is too small for the delivery by sea

Я: it is not enough for a sea container

Клиент: 75 cartons corrugated can come with many other goods of other companies

Я: and what are you selling now to your corporative clients?

Я: which one?

Клиент: one ship will have goods of many companies (I suppose); not only mine; just like air cargo

Я: who will order a container?

Клиент: now - gifts all kinds - paintings, artefacts, office gifts, decoration

Клиент: just like air cargo  has many goods of many companies; same for ship container also (I think)

Клиент: so you can send 75 cartons along with some other manufacturer sending some other goods in same container

Клиент: yes, I think air cargo and Ship cargo company will tell better

Я: who will order the container

Я: why 75

Я: in presentation about 500 boxes

Клиент: 525 boxes = 75 cartons

Клиент: oh

Клиент: I selected 15 brands; 35 boxes each; so 525 boxes

Клиент: 7 boxes per carton ; so 75 cartons

Я: ok - again for me it is too less for the order

Я: ok?

Клиент: carton (corrugated)

Я: is it ok?

Клиент: I explained

Клиент: stiff competition

Клиент: I must see response

Я: any how

Я: ok

Клиент: through special exhibit

Клиент: then God

Клиент: so we pray for our mutual success

Я: buy in Ukrainian shop 7 boxes and see the reaction

Я: :)

Клиент: in Metro, I bought 3 or 4 boxes of Pucku (название продукта)

Я: ok

Клиент: lady gave me a hug and said come again

Я: :)

Клиент: :)

Клиент: i have a wife in Kiev

Я: good news

Клиент: so I said my wife will come again

Клиент: she said next birth; I said I will not be on Earth next birth

Я: really?

Клиент: she gave me this cake for free

Клиент: what really?

Я: unbelievable

Я: unusual

Клиент: what unbelievable

Я: very interesting

Клиент: i am interesting

Клиент: and you know

Я: everything what you are writing

Я: :)

Клиент: I have twin daughters - interesting

Клиент: I have special dolls named after them

Клиент: Linda and Jennifer Lucky Twin Dolls

Клиент: I got manufactured

Клиент: anybody who buys these dolls, gets good luck

Клиент: and happiness and prosperity

Я: send to me

Я: and to my boss

Я: for free

Клиент: sure

Клиент: ok

Клиент: no problem

Клиент: done

Клиент: send me your address

Я: my address is under my signature take it from the email letter

Клиент: and bless my daughters with good health and happiness and peace

Клиент: ok send me your email

Клиент: I will see

Я: It is sent already last week

Клиент: no Elena had set only your phone

Я: no I answer you via email

Я: check

Клиент: I called last evening on your phone

Клиент: your husband picked phone

Клиент: and (punch)

Клиент: I have swelling on my right cheek

Я: good

Я: really?

Я: unsual

Я: that sounds great

Клиент: since my wife not with me, I am putting ice on my own

Клиент: wow

Я: the dolls work already

Клиент: you very happy; good friend?

Клиент: no

Клиент: dolls then kissed me

Клиент: papa

Клиент: they say

Клиент: dont worry

Клиент: when we grow up

Клиент: we will tell tatiana's husband to be nice

Клиент: I believe in non-violence

Клиент: so I will teach my babies not to retaliate

Клиент: let me see ur email;

Клиент: my wife angry with me

Клиент: we have not talked for 1 year

Клиент: why Ukr women so angry?

Я: you have a ukrainian wife - ask her

Клиент: she is not speaking with me

Клиент: for 1 year

[11:58:33] Клиент: this is the dolls photo

Я: i can not accept it

[11:58:48] Клиент: ok

[11:59:14] Клиент: ok

[11:59:18] Клиент: please email

[11:59:26] Клиент: the info soon please

[11:59:49] Клиент: I have no email from you

[11:59:53] Клиент: I checked

[12:00:37] Я: ok

[12:00:38] Клиент: 1) Chocolate price 2) Air cost 3) Ship cost)

[12:00:41] Я: forget it

[12:01:02] Клиент: and Delivery time also by ship and air

[12:01:09] Клиент: what forget

[12:01:29] Я: forget me and my husband

[12:01:53] Клиент: kindly

[12:02:05] Клиент: send 1) Chocolate price 2) Air cost 3) Ship cost)

[12:02:14] Клиент: and Delivery time also by ship and air

[12:02:21] Я: I do not know

[12:02:26] Я: ask logistics company

[12:02:36] Клиент: how do i know

[12:02:42] Клиент: you are sender

[12:02:50] Я: sorry - but your order even for start is extremely small

[12:02:58] Я: we can not start

[12:03:07] Клиент: ok that's fine

[12:03:15] Клиент: when your policy changes

[12:03:19] Клиент: please contact me

[12:03:31] Я: Surely yes

диалоги, работа, клиенты, разное, разговоры, ояебу

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