In the era of distorted dilemmas

Feb 23, 2009 17:14

though I'm kind of nervous to show this cause I haven't drawn in like forever BUT I'M STARTING TO FIGHT MY ARTIST'S BLOCK SO uh. Yeah I still don't... really... have much confidence in my drawings... orz.

I love my Asia-tans. :< though I couldn't draw Korea cause there was like no space left except for the bottom right corner but I can't draw that small without it looking cramped ;_;

I had to like, completely change my drawing style when I was drawing Japan/Honda's hair, which is kind of obvious here. I couldn't draw his hair in my other style... but that's okay, cause personally I like drawing hair more detailed like that anyways, it just tends to get really messy. xD;;;;;

...=A=. I'm kind of annoyed right now. My school made it a requirement this year that everyone has to do 10 hours of community service. Today I went with my friend to a used bookstore place after school, only to find out that I'm NOT FREAKING OLD ENOUGH to work there, because SOME IDIOT that used to work there stole $75 and so they changed the age requirement. Freaking A. What a damn waste of my time. >_> God I hate people.

I haven't been able to properly play P3 for like... a week and a half now. =____= Jeez, I'm only like two weeks (in-game) away from fighting the final boss (I'm assuming), too. RAAAGE. I want to start P4 alreadyyyy ;A;. naotooooo

So recently I took two completely separate Hetalia quizzes and my results for both of them were Hungary. oAo I was like, kind of shocked. I mean, I don't really see it myself... well maybe a little... "Get on my bad side, and you're dead" kind of thing? xDDD;;;;;;; Well, I'm totally okay with it, because I adore Hungary (just not as much as Taiwan ♥). Though I can't really see myself as an older sister figure; I have no idea how to deal with children except telling them to leave me alone. xD;;;;;


AP Literature
Advanced Government/Economics (booo not weighted :< )
Marine Science (wheee fish)
Japanese 7-8 (...........I. Kind of. Don't really want to stick in this. But I'm OCD and I'm scared that if I take a single year off Japanese, I'll forget whatever I did learn in the class. orz orz. new teacher new teacher new teacher new teacher new teacher!!!!!)
AP Psychology

Man I want to take Political Science =A=....... but I probably need to build up my credits as much as I can cause of my stupid elective from this year. >_>

!art, lol!asian, ranting, do not want, school, epic fail, baaawww, mindless rambling, hetalia, persona 3

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