I'll find your eyes and the warmth of your hands / Time and time again ♪

Dec 30, 2008 11:39

Everyone's going on about New Years today. But isn't there a 31st of December? There is, right?... RIGHT?! OH GOD I DON'T WANT IT TO BE 2009 ;_; I 've always hated the number 9 and I'm not quite sure why.

♥ Happiness Meme ♥

Day 4
+ My mom made hash browns for breakfast... xD
+ I finally got to 60,000,000 total damage in Vesperia >A< IT TOOK ME FOREVER. But it was so worth it to see Rita's "Seeker" costume.~
+ I found out how to grade farm with Rita while getting the 60 mil. |D Now if I ever want to replay Vesperia............
+ A kind Anon on /c/ uploaded an entire Yuri/Estelle folder for my thread. YAY~
+ baaaawwwww Abyss 14. I got to see my favourite scene animated (aside from the Keterburg scene with Dist. I hope they don't skip that xD ). ♥
+ I got a 372 hit combo with Rita. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YESSSSSS
+ Which also means I got two new titles.
+ Which also means I got enough titles to get another bunny ear accessory... but for Judith. BAAAAAWWWW ;_;

To be updated as the day goes on... Now if I look back on my happy day posts, I'll realize that I have no life outside of Tales. HAHAHA.... orz. It's still better to do this meme during break, since once I go back to school, I'll be stressed and angry and depressed most of the time.

I miss Emil and Marta. ;_; I wish they could have been in a standalone title, that would have been awesome. Oh well...

Ooh, I still need to work on my new layout. >A< The start of a new year's a great time to have a new layout, huh. xD

wat, meme, emil♥, new years, awesomeness, baaawww, epic win, mindless rambling, fangirling

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