I'm baaaaaack.

Nov 25, 2008 13:24

It only took me 3 and a half days to beat... LOL

I disappeared from the internets since late last Friday until today, playing Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk. I would play it at least 4 times a day, three hours each... I took a break every hour - hour and a half or so LOL. You never want to disturb me while I'm playing a Tales game or I'll kick your ass [looks at callierf13 ]. So that's why I like... just disappeared from the computer until today, haha. xD

I got the true ending on my first try (≧∀≦)

I'm so tired right now xDD;;; I played from like 7:40 to 11:30 PM last night to finish up the last dungeon cause I didn't want to put it off until today.

I wrote up my review of the game here, if anyone is curious about my opinion on the game. It's long, though. xD;;; TOOK ME THREE HOURS TO WRITE ;_;

short entry is short. I missed all you guys, though. ♥

I need to go find more Emil icons now... [stalks off]

epic lulz, emil♥, mindless rambling, tales, epic

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