want to affiliate?
please comment with the name of your community and 5 samples of your work
skyisfalling «»
andfairytales geckoholic «»
bl00dredskies xxcrimsoneyesxx «»
crimsonxicons xheartrockx «»
eyescubed firsttimelady «»
evorycode vamplover85 «»
goldenireland secretlytodream «»
graphicinmotion superfire «»
its_a_fixation crystalchain «»
levitia lumsx «»
llevamealbaile deny1984 «»
midnight_road light_ofmy_life «»
silk_roads whitkj22 «»
true_loveway creativeelf «»
trusupernatural if you don't comment with five example of your work i will pick five icons from you community that i like :)
i only affiliate with communities(or journals) that have similar interests so please check the profile before commenting
last update: December , 27 [2011]