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Re: agree - true_enough March 31 2009, 21:14:08 UTC
(just for the fun and brotherly goodness)

::big grin:: Keep talking like that and I'm going to end up liking that episode. Honestly, it was that last two minutes that cooked it for me.

I think, if nothing else, Dean will feel like he has to put his game face on no matter what's going on underneath. Which is kind of a Dean thing to do anyways but now it's been given a big push from behind. Nothing could be fixed with that horrible speech. He was just told not to show it. Grrr... No love for Zach.

... and will obviously have a long way to go before he is not so much back to his old self - but more comfortable with his new since I can't imagine anyone who had been thru what he as ever being back to where he was before...

Yes. It's a amazing - and kind of chilling - how often the demons tell it like it is. When Alastair told Dean that he carved him into a new animal he wasn't lying. Of course, it's an animal who wanted to kill Alastair but that was probably part of the fun for him. Dean has been through a baptism of fire and it's brought to the fore some long held beliefs in himself that either need to be put to use or discarded and he just can't be expected to do that in a snap.

... that the angels are so out of touch that they really think that this would work ...

I couldn't agree with you more. I think Castiel might have started out that way but even in the beginning you could see him trying for some kind of understanding or common ground.

... I guess we'll see in what, three days...

The weekly countdown. I love it!


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