Second Job

Jul 10, 2007 13:12

I just found out that I got a part-time job at the local mega Bed Bath & Beyond because, as you know, you can never have enough pillow cases or plastic Adirondack chairs. The overtime I'm getting at the lab is just getting eaten up in taxes so hopefully I get to take home a little more money. I'm going to be working from 11am-4pm at BB&B and then going to the lab after that. I have Mondays off from both jobs so that's good. It doesn't leave a lot of spare time but it also means I have less time to worry about money. I hate being in debt. I was just beginning to reach the surface when I had to move again and coming up with a deposit and first and last months rent just set me on my ass again. I'm hoping that by the New Year I'll have most of it paid off and I swear I never want to see another credit card again. I've come to the conclusion that they're evil. Or maybe I'm just stupid. I go back and forth.

I don't start until next Tuesday so until then I just want to wallow in fannish pig heaven. On that note I wanted to thank audrarose for reccing Luck In the Shadows. I just started it and already love it! Also killabeez recc'd two Supernatural stories that just bowled me over. Thank you thank you!

ETA: Luck In the Shadows is a fantasy novel by Lynn Flewelling. ::mumbles:: who probably is a slash writer in her spare time.


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