
Apr 15, 2008 09:16

☆ Leave me a comment saying “interview me.”
☆ I will respond by asking you five questions.
☆ You will update your journals with the answers to the questions.
☆ You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
☆ When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

1. How do you stay so cheerful most of the time?
☆ ♥~ Someone has to be~

2. Are you bothered by Makubex and I dating while we share a house with you?
☆ Nope~ ♥

3. What outfits do you want me to make for the next Host Club event?
☆ ... ...~!!! I haven't thought about it yet!

4. Are Kyouya and I really that much alike?
☆ You look alike~

5. How are you feeling?
☆ Better~ ~

1. What is the best moment in your life and why?
☆ When I played the piano with my mom.

2. What emotion is most important to you?
☆ Happiness~

3. What is your favourite song? Why?
☆ Chopin's Waltzes on the piano to play~

4. What do you like most about Purgatorium? Do you regret coming here?
☆ Meeting everyone and no~

5. You are the bestest best friend I've ever had. What makes you so awesome???
Really? ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ~!!!

1. What is your world like?
☆ A high school~ there's lots of houses and nice scenery and it's pretty nice. A lot brighter than here.

2. What kind of hobbies do you have?
☆ I play the Piano and run the Host Club at home~

3. What kind of food do you enjoy?
☆ Ramen, and Baby Star candy~

4. If you had one wish, what would it be?
☆ I'd really like it if I could stick with a lot of the friends I've made here. As impossible as that is.

5. Have you......ever fallen in love?
☆ ...I suppose, in a way you could say I have.


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