A. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
B. Tag seven people to do the same.
C. Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
Gawd, I hate trying to dredge up things of interest about myself; I'm really very dull. But thanks,
dawnebeth , for the tag, and here goes nothing...
1. I hate Miracle Whip. I mean HATE, to the point where I won't even pick up the Miracle Whip-dipped spoon that hubby's dropped into the sink, just in case I get some on me. It's gross. Nausea-inducing gross. Quite possibly the nastiest concoction and consistency ever created. Did I mention I hate Miracle Whip?
2. I only learned to drive when I was 26 (27?), after moving to the US. I'd never needed to before; I was a committed bus and train commuter back home.
3. I'm shy. No, really. I hate social gatherings, an issue I often used to counteract with alcohol. It still takes me a while to psyche myself up before entering a room, but at least I now rarely drink at all, and then only in moderation.
4. In absolute contradiction of #3, I once posed in my underwear for a biker magazine. (I have a feeling alcohol was probably involved.)
5. When I was little, I used to get horribly travel sick, so would always have to take a pill first - and I'd still get sick. My mum used to crush the pill up in a spoonful of sugar (yeah, thanks for that, Mary-bleedin'-Poppins), but I'd still gag and struggle to get the darn thing down. These days, I have to be practically dying before I'll take any kind of drug in tablet form.
6. What I used to think was a glass-half-full mentality I'd been blessed with, I've come to realize recently is actually denial. Still working on that one... Okay, not so terribly quirky, but I did say I suck at these things!
7. As much as I hate Miracle Whip, I love getting dirt on my hands. Gardening is my summertime joy, and you'll never catch me wearing gloves; that's like sex with rubbers.
There. Not as painful as I'd imagined, and while I may be superfluously naming peeps who've done this meme already, I tag, utterly at random:
aesposito ,
ginalin ,
romankate ,
vedette_ciel ,
hawklace ,
kassidy62 and
provencepuss .