St Kilda

Jun 13, 2007 19:09

Cut my finger the other day. Six sticthes. Makes life at the bakery interesting. Finished exam for the night and got some time on my hands before I begin work.... so headed for a drive down to St Kilda. Dinner at an old haunt and driving place the bakery I used to work at. Haven't been to this suburb for some time and it hasn't changed at all. Even the group of drunk Aboriginals are still there on the street asking for money. I didn't have a car back then. Just a bike and a discman.
"When you're not feeling holy,
Your loneliness shows that you've sinned..."
Leonard Cohen
Well... sitting in the internet cafe, alone except for the girl at the counter. Melancholy. Behind in my school fees and the wheels are beginning to come off this whole operation a little. Need that kick of motivation and enthusiasm again. Well... think I'll go for a walk down to the bay and then maybe a sleep on the bench-seat of the car. In a way it's actually good to get a little time alone. It's always such a fight to find time just for the Spunky German with work and school commitments that time to myself is a true rarity.
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