Mar 31, 2005 22:17
Well this is my first journal entry, yippy ! ok it's not that exciting but w/e. I'm playing around with the settings till I get something I like so stay with me here. Spring break has been awesome. I spent the first few days just hanging with some friends then went to Hueston Woods with my cousin Ann where we rented a cabin for two days. The weather sucked cause it was cold and raining the whole time so we mostly went swimming in the lodge, and chillin out in the cabin. We went into town to check out Miami's campus, def the whitest place on the earth. I def couldn't see my self going to a school with no diversity. Eric and his friend came up the next day to hang out and that was fun. We got back to cincy on Tuesday and since then the weather has been SO nice, I mean besides for my allergies killin me it's been awesome. Thats all for now, hope everyone is having a great spring break