i think this is better than my xanga one.

Oct 16, 2004 13:03

I have a ring,
with a purple stone.
I saw them kiss.
I like zippers.
I love long flowing gowns.
I hate being stuck at home.
My favorite store is Target.
Bumble bees scare me.
Cheap clothes are better.
Im addicted to Dr. Pepper.
I love my friends.
Computers bug me sometimes.
There is a better tomorrow.
I love late night excursions.
Kid shows are the best,
And so are their shoes.
Ive seen this movie before.
(^I still don’t know what its called)
I believe in love.
Art is a great form of expression.
I live for those special moments.
Sunglasses are fashionable (for everyone)
I am a perfectionist…on certain things
I fear I will die alone,
but Im not afraid of dying.
I love things that make no sense.
Singing really loud and driving real fast is fun at all ages.
I want a car…really bad.
My favorite punctuation mark is this one > !
I love my CDs.
Driving faster on curves is fun.
Reading is fun when it’s not forced.
I wish there was more time in the day.
Sometimes I think Im the only one that thinks Im funny.
Side ponytails should definitely be the next big fad.
You shouldn’t always have to protect me.
Over protective parents blow.
Im thinking about grammar right now.
I actually like chemistry.
Im a bad speller…sometimes.
Who knew that the name of a milk could be so hilarious?
World peace is a good thought, but technically isn’t logical.
You only forget things you don’t want to remember.
I like playing cards.
I tried to learn guitar
but quit to play flute.
I miss my childhood.
I wish people understood me…
My foot’s asleep.
I love to be dipped at the end of a dance
being twirled is a close second.
I’ll never forget you.
Human nature is the hardest thing to conquer.
Sadly I get nervous around retarded and gays.
I love the word bamboozled.
I want a pet doggie more than you know.
I hate seeing bloody movies.
Can a broken heart ever be fully mended?
You have to consider the entire spectrum of emotion.
Sharpies do not smell good.
Donnie Darko and Aladdin are my favorite movies
I think that is an odd combination.
Nothing beats getting new stuff.
Sluts get all the guys. (it makes me sick)
I wish people didn’t make religion into a fad.
Lip gloss makes me happy.
I hate disappointing people…
even more than getting disappointed.
Gnomes are creepy.
I can’t stand goodbyes…final goodbyes.
They can never take away you’re hopes and dreams,
convictions or beliefs…
The things that make you, you.
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