(no subject)

Mar 28, 2005 14:25

1) Single or taken: taken

2) Your Age: 16

3) location: 'boro

4) Siblings: 3

5) Hair Color: Brown

6) Eye Color: GrEEn

7) Shoe Size: big

8) Full Name: Tonya Trudel

10) Best Friends: Tori Alexis and KK

11)Meaning of name: worthy of praise

12) Starsign/Birthstone: amethyst i think that is what its called

~* R e l a t i o n s h i p s *~*

1) Who are your friends? eh whoever

2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yea

3) Do you have a crush? ^

*-;-*F a s h i o n S t u f f *-;-*

1) Where is your favorite place to shop? AE hollister you know

2) Any tattoos or piercings and if so how many? 9 in my ears belly botton

*-;-* T h e E x t r a S t u f f *-;-*

1) Do you do drugs: nah

2) What kind of shampoo do you use: brilliant brunette

3)What are you most scared of: eh idk

4) What are you listening to right now: nothing

5) What car do you wish to have: not sure

6) Who was the last person that called? rob

7) Where do you want to get married? dont know

2) Favorite Foods: chicken and fries

3) Boy's names: dunno

4) Girls names: dunno

5) Favorite subject in school: history

6) Animal: doggy

8) Music:idk whatevers on really.

9) Phrase: laughter

;-* H a v e Y o u E v e r *-;-*

1) Given anyone a bath: no

2) Smoked: yea
3) Bungee jumped: No

4) Broken the law: yea
5) Made yourself throw-up: yea

6) Gone skinny-dippin: yeah

7) Ever been in love: yea

-* F i n a l Q u e s t i o N s *-;-

1) Pizza or chocolate: neither

2) How many people are you sending this to?: negative

3) Who will send it back: noone

4) Gold or Silver: idk..
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