Jun 03, 2019 10:25
i hope everyones okay sice i last posted, i've been busy with my new dady doing stuff. don't tell him but i made some stuff from my old huose disappear and reappear in my new house. my new daddys coola nd I m working exta hard so I can help him uot. i idn't wnat to leave my stuffys all alone ^^. yeserdaty i was walkingaround with my new dadyd. there was a guy claiming to be a magicna doing stuff on the sidewalk. he didn't elet me wear my magcian outfit beacuse we had to be 'innnkognitito" :(. the guy wasn't a good magician. i knew all of his tricks, they're in my magic for dummies boks :P!!1!!!!!11!!1 iwanted to , but my daddy told me not to. :(. he told me that itw ouldbe mean if someonecameto thewonderbar and told the audeiucne my tricks :( . hes' right, so i didn't say ntyhing :).
my new daddy also taght me abotu internet smilies, and they're awesome!!!1!1!!! :D :) :) ;)!
new daddy,
i'm a better magician,