Bat girls da nanananana

Apr 22, 2006 15:42

so.... yesterday Simone and I decided to go to see the vampire bats. They live in a hollowed out tree about 800 meters from our cabins. When we got to the tree we climbed under it and shone our flash lights up the center of the tree. We didn't see anything but we did hear a bunch of wings flapping so we got scared and ran away. Then we did it again. and again. and again. and again. And then i tried to take a picture with the flash, but there weren't any bats in the picture. On the same hike we also encountered a swarm of bees.. or wasps or something anyway, we both just wanted to throw sticks at them. Yup. this is what rainforest researchers do.. we don't save the world or anything.. just harass small creatures. Well, not all of us, but in the time I've been here I have seen a bat dissection, a snake operation to insert a radio transmitter in a highly venomous fer de lance, and I myself have killed/dissected a hundred or so ants. This morning I spent forever making media and looking for jobs. This afternoon I went for a hike to find some bullet ants.. which I didn't actually find any of, but I did slip on the mud a couple of times, encountered some Costa rican tourists, and had a quick spanish conversation with one until I realized he was hitting on me. Tonight Joanna wants to go out in town where young men instead of old men can hit on us. I prefer the old men personally, they aren't as sleazy. Either way, we'll get stared at a lot. I just want to go out where one of our classmates is going so i can watch him hit on another researcher who is totally not interested in him. It's too bad though, 'cause my favorite german girls will be out in the field radio tracking bats... apparently they can't do that from the bar. hmph.
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