BAMBOO FU!!!!!!!!!!

Oct 05, 2005 20:59

So we picked some apples on sunday. Like two pickups full of apples. There is this mountain that a bunch of rich folk live on. Maybe a hundred or sixty years ago, apples were farmed on this mountain. Now, there are old, old apple trees of all different types dotting these peoples homes. Un-sprayed, un-fertalized....
And the shed where the cider press is kept was just finished. So when all was said and done, over 150 gallons of cider had been pressed by Tuesday. That's right. Can anyone say apple mead? Howsabout some apple jack....some apple cobbler maybe? APPLE CRISP!!!! oh yeah......
give thanks to the yeast. two days after the pressing some of the bottles were already under pressure from the fermintation. This stuff will truely be hard in week or two.

In other news, I came up with and built, with the help of another work exchanger, a most excellent 8ft bamboo and twine tomato trellace on a living roof. Tommorw we are turning a large part of the rest of his roof into a bamboo-framed greenhouse.

Heck yes, bamboo rocks. Bamboo on living roofs is even cooler.
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