My horse is cowy!!!!

Jan 25, 2011 21:07

Awesome weekend..... well sunday anyways. Spent the morning at the bridal fair with Megan. Booked a DJ so that is good. Company is called "Fun Factory" so how could the not be fun LOL!!! Went for lunch after then I head home. It was SOOOOO nice out I convinced Matt to saddle up Justin and go for a ride with me outside. There is still a lot of snow on the ground so we were just going to take it easy and hack around the back field to leg Justin up (he is seriously out of shape. So I threw on Andy's western tack - thats right I went western lol. We decided instead to go into the front field and play with the cows. Nothing hard, just moving them around and cutting and herding them gently as the ground was pretty slippery/icy. I just walked Andy. I was SO freakin happy with him. He was so good about walking into the cows and was getting the hang of staying in front of them. One cheeky (but VERY cute) little heifer calf stood there staring at Andy at one point with this cute little head tilt almost say "whatcha doing??" and not scared of him at all as I moved Andy into him. I halted Andy and he stared at the calf ears pricked forward (it was cute) then out of nowhere he pins his ears true 'Andy style" and jets his nose out to the calf, she took off in a hurry and I kid you not Andy strutted forward as if saying "ya, thats right, you better run" hahaha It was hilarious!! We played around a little longer andwe practiced moving them to specific spots. We wanted to herd them into the little run where their water is and it was successful. Andy did most of the work, Justin was just kind there to guide them. I was so proud of my pansy red head! he was so brave!!!! and I think he actually enjoys chasing cows!!!

After that we still wanted to ride but it was getting dark, so we hopped off and walked down to the barn. I really want Andy to get better moving off a neck-rein and leg (like the fancy western ponies do) so Matt decided to hop on while I walked on Justin. I was surprised at how well he got andy doing roll backs and neck reining (i know thats not very nice of me) When I got back on him he was doing it so much better then when I had first started trying. I do have to give that man credit. He does know how to work horses!!

Next day Massage lady came out and she worked with me on adjusting him. I learned a bunch of new tricks which is awesome!! Rode him bareback after that and he was so calm and cool. I love that horse!!!!!!

andy, cow chasin, riding

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