Aug 31, 2006 18:27
So I havent been updating as I should, but I'm going to change that starting now. So I am finally in college!! Yay me!!! I've been down here for about 2 weeks now and I miss my baby like crazy!!! Oh yeah and I'm just going to let everyone know at one time because everytime I tell someone they go crazy and say stuff like "Why didnt you tell me?!!?!?!" Just to let everyone know me and my boyfriend (Brent) of over a year got engaged earlier this year. Yes we are engaged!!!! However we are not gettin married anytime soon we are both going to wait for as long as possible hopefully until we are both out of school. On another note I got into the chorus for The Threepenny Opera!! I'm soo excited and I'm really happy to be doing my first show!! And I finally get to be in another show with my baby DaWoyne!!!! I'm soooo freakin excited!!!! UA is cool and I'm having fun but I'm keepin in my classes and staying in my studies!! Hopefully I'll be back to come see the shows at Valley!! Talk to ya'll later!! PEACE!!!
very happy!!