i dont want to sound like a mean cynical bitch... BUT....
i hate how people think that they can just go in our woods whenever they want, i mean right now there are about 20 little kids from the daycare up the street running around in my yard... like i really wouldnt care if they just ASKED ((not the little kids the day care people who are watching them)) i mean do they really think that no one owns the property there? yeah look up the hill... see that house? yeah that means SOMEONE LIVES THERE people walk their dogs in our yard, and dont clean up after them... i have kids playing flashlight tag in my yard at night, hell i had kids on my swing at one point .... do they have no manners? really truly swear to god if they just asked i would be like sure go ahead i dont care, but the fact that they just go in our yard whenever they want, it just pisses me off its like hello? i mean my neighboor had picnic in our woods and then leaves all the trash there, and I get stuck cleaning it up
and it just pisses me off, i want a no trespasing sign or an electric fence or SOMETHING believe me there isnt property just laying around that doenst belong to anyone
another bitch moment... so im moving in to a new room and all that and my mom asked me to start taking evrtyhig off the shelves in my room because we are putting the other shelves in here and moving mine into the other room, so i do that yesterday ((and lets just say i have a lot of shit, and i mean ALOT)) and today my mom was like, ohh yeah you can put that stuff back on your shelves now.. HELL NO
and i hate when you have spiral notebooks and you rip pages out and the little peices of paper get stuck in the spirals
yeah so im not in a good moood
and i found my cell phone, but the ringer doenst work, like i mean there are NO SOUNDS at all
played spin the bottle
toilet paper someone's house
played poker with money
gone swimming in a white t-shirt
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk
liked someone but never told them
went camping
had a crush on your brother's friend
walked in the rain without an umbrella
told a joke that nobody thought was funny
been in a talent show <--- HAHAHAHA yeah napoleon dynamite and his gangsta cousins
starting laughing at a bad time
worn something your mom didn't approve of
been to a nude beach
smoked pot
drank smirnoff ice
drank jack daniels
cursed in a church
had sex in a hot tub
wanted to be a chef
been called a slut for kissing someone
burnt yourself with a curling iron/straightener <- i always pinch my ears with my hairsraightner, i actually have like a bruise from it right now
wanted to be a police officer
dumped someone
been hit on by someone too old <-- linds! creepy guy from carnival!
wanted to be a model
made out in a car
cried during a movie
wanted something you couldn't have
had sex on the beach
had the drink, sex on the beach <-- everyone try "kiss on the lips" soo much better
seen someone shoplift
hung up on someone
yelled at your pet
tried to strip when drunk
gotten seasick
had a stalker ((does ashley count?))
played a prank on someone that had them really scared <-- how many pushups can your brother do?
been embarrassed by your family
felt bad about eating meat
protested something
been to an island
been in love
ate just because you were bored
screamed in a library
made out with a stranger
wished a part of you was different
asked a guy to dance
been asked out by a really hot guy
laughed so hard you cried
went up to a complete stranger and started talking
been sunburned
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert
threw up in school
received an anonymous love letter
had to wear something you hated
been to a luau
saw your ex and wanted to kick his ass
cursed in front of your parents
been in a commercial on tv
watched a movie that made you miss your ex
been out of your country
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk <-- honk if we're hott! ((love ya gretch!))
won at pool
went to a party where you were the only sober one
went on a diet
been lost out to sea <-- but only for like 5 min before my grandpa realized that i was just drivin the boat in circles
been told an extremely stupid line
played truth-or-dare
cheated on your boyfriend
tanned topless
been attacked by seagulls <-- what can i say i like feeding them!
been searched at an airport
been on a plane
thrown a shoe at someone <-- when i cant think of anything else thats what i do
broke someone's heart
sung in the shower
bought something way too expensive
done something really stupid that you still laugh about
been walked in on when you were dressing
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie i wont be in the movie in the first place
been kicked out of the mall
been mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one
done something stupid when you were drunk
fell off your roof <-- well not my roof but someone elses, and it was a short drop
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up to someone
had a deer jump in front of your car
threatened someone with a water gun <-- KEVIN!!!
ohh yeah and if anyone has their psych 2 notebook could i please borrow it because i didnt get to take that and now i have to take AP psych and did anyone find that book for government? and if i could borrow that also, it wouldnt be that long i would prob just need it for 2 days max, like ill pick it up and return it