Nov 19, 2006 12:56
love can exist forever
but can two people be
in love
i really don't know
i used to think it was possible but it's in question
i suppose i really will never know
nobody will
but why
does some force, driven by nothing at all
pull one person out of love?
it makes no sense
they still want to be in love
they'd give anything to be in love again
but they can't make themselves fall back into love
when they had no control of falling out of love in the first place
but why
why can't things stay the same?
i only am able to feel different when i sense the difference from him
it doesn't come from me
and it's still love
im still in love
i want...
i want to stop this.
in a few years i want to find him.
in a few years it's going to work. i know it'll work
but maybe now is not the time
it's not my decision.